

2012-2015 The CSELP Technology Symposium

Purposeful use of technology: Beginning with the end in mind, and keeping it there

From 2012-2015 the Centre for the Study of Educational Leadership and Policy hosted an annual symposium on the use of technology for K–12 educators. As an aid in implementing BC's education plan, which called for "learning empowered by technology", the CSELP Technology Symposia focused on the topic of pedagogically purposeful uses of technology that bring learning to the fore and fade the technology into the background. 

Available here are the conference proceedings from the symposim's inaugral year : Targeting Technology for Maximum Student Benefit.

2015: Blended/Hybrid Approaches to ICT Integration

FEBRUARY 21, 2015

The 2015 CSELP Technology Symposium focused on the topic of: Blended/Hybrid Approaches to ICT Integration. Educators who use blended/hybrid approach, and their students, were the provocateurs of a day of active discussion. This symposium focused on information sharing, group discussions and networking opportunities for participants.

Questions that were considered throughout the day:

  • What learning opportunities does a blended/hybrid model of instruction create? What challenges are involved?
  • How does this model impact relationships: teacher to student; student to student? What are the pros and cons?
  • Does this approcah impact the level of technology used?
  • How can one move activities and projects in a blended/hybrid approach to the modification and redefinition levels of the SAMR model?
  • What do students think about this model? (Hear them tell you for themselves!)
  • Who is doing what with blended/hybrid models around British Columbia?


2014: Moving EdTech from Enhancement to Transformation 

FEBRUARY 22, 2014

Marshall McLuhan first alerted us to the fact that "We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us." What he didn't say is that it often happens without our noticing. As we continue to use technology to enhance pedagogy and to search for ways in which it can and should transform pedagogy, we need to consider not only what is possible but also what we want.

Brian Kuhn, Director of Technology and CIO in Vancouver; Jenny Arntzen, Educational Researcher and Technology Studies Educator at UBC; Bruce Beairsto, Adjunct Professor at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV; and friends provided a scaffolding of thoughts for participants' exploration of the question, "In what ways are we shaping technology, in what ways is it shaping us, and how can we move forward with intentionality towards greater engagement and more powerful learning?"

David Truss’ students from the Inquiry Hub presented their work and Chris Wejr talked about using Twitter to create a "Personal Learning Network".

The symposium actively engaged participants in consideration of what is currently being accomplished through the innovative use of technology today and where we want it to go tomorrow. It was an opportunity for in-depth face-to-face discussions with a wide range of educational professionals and a rich
opportunity to stand back and take stock, clarify where we want to go, think about strategies for getting there and connect with others who are doing the same.


2013: Technology for Inquiry

FEBRUARY 16, 2013

What is inquiry, and how does it differ from traditional project work? Why is it important? How is it done? How can technology support and enrich inquiry beyond merely searching for information? Join us for conceptual guidance and practical advice from local leaders who are doing this work every day.

The Technology for Inquiry conference considered these questions with the help of key educational leaders including Neil Stephenson, District Principal for Inquiry and Innovation, Delta and Audrey Van Alstyne, District Principal for Learning Technologies, Vancouver.


2012: Targeting Technology for Maximum Student Benefit

FEBRUARY 9, 2012

The Centre for the Study of Educational Leadership and Policy (CSELP) hosted the inaugral Technology Symposium, Targeting Technology for Maximum Student Benefit, to discuss the ways that school districts are, and might in the future, use educational technology to provide "learning empowered by technology," as called for in the new . Close to 200 education leaders from BC and other provinces and territories joined the conversation at the downtown campus of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.

If you would like to view a copy of the proceedings of Targeting Technology for Maximum Student Benefit, click here.

The conference featured talks by key educational leaders including:

  • Kris Magnusson, Dean of Education at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
  • Chris Kennedy, Superintendent of Schools in West Vancouver
  • Brian Kuhn, District Technology Leader in Coquitlam