
Seeking Students

The Co-op job search (seeking) term is always an exciting and busy time. There are many job opportunities to consider and applications to prepare. On top of that, you may be juggling courses, work, and other responsibilities.


Get coaching from your Co-op advisors to develop a competitive resume, targeted cover letters and strong interview skills.

Use myExperience

Review jobs on myExperience EVERY day - there are new jobs posted daily, and communication students can apply to jobs in all faculties.

Apply to Jobs

Apply to jobs that meet your career interests and goals. Get the competitive edge by tailoring your cover letters and applying to jobs every week. 

Land a Co-op

Once you land a Co-op position, you’ll be registered in the Co-op practicum course and gearing up for your first day.

Go to Interviews

Prep for interviews through mock interviews with your Co-op advisors, researching the organization, and reviewing previous students’ work reports.