
Application details

We will evaluate your application based on your editing and writing samples, work experience, and interest in the field.

Please include the following with your application:

  • A résumé that includes your education and work history.
  • A letter explaining why you would like to be considered for the program (no more than 500 words).
  • One example of your editing work and one example of your writing (no more than 1,000 words total) with a brief description of your contribution for each. 

We ask for writing and editing samples so that we can assess your current level of editing knowledge and skill. If you write or edit professionally, you can submit a page of your own work. You may make use of assignments from our editing courses to demonstrate your editing skills. The writing sample should be some form of business communication, such as a cover letter for a job, an application for a program, a report or any piece of writing that is professional in nature. Academic writing and creative writing are not suitable for the purposes of this application.

You can also take individual courses toward the certificate before you apply. If you are accepted to the program at a later date, any courses that you complete successfully (that are part of the editing certificate curriculum at the time you apply) will automatically count toward your certificate.

We review applications as we receive them, and we will contact you about the status of your application.