
Heidi Turner


Heidi Turner has been a corporate freelance writer for 10 years, specializing in reports, case studies and grant applications. Her clients include a mix of Canadian, American and European organizations in a variety of industries.

What do you enjoy about teaching in the Editing program?

I greatly enjoy communicating with students and helping them at the start of their career. I like seeing how they go from being unsure about editing to leaving the course full of confidence and excitement about their future.

What’s the most valuable thing students will learn in your courses?

I think there are a lot of valuable things. Practically, the most valuable thing they will do is examine why they want to run their own business and use the answer to that question to help them make informed business decisions so they can be successful. But an interesting effect of the course is that many students tell me they leave with much more confidence in their abilities as an editor and as a business owner.

What type of work can students get with the skills they learn in your course?

Students can learn the steps they need to take to successfully run their own editing business. They learn how to make decisions based on their business plan, how to charge clients and how to manage their clients. They come away with the skills to feel confident running their own business.

What qualities do you think a student needs to succeed in an editing career?

Attention to detail, understanding of grammar and language rules, ability to give constructive feedback and a love of words. It also helps to be curious about the world as editors often read documents that cover a wide range of subjects.

Do you have any tips for aspiring freelancers?

Don’t make business decisions from a place of fear (fear of not having money, fear of losing clients) but from a place of confidence. It’s tough to do when you’re starting out, but it makes a difference in finding the clients you want who will pay you what you’re worth. And as you grow in your business, that confidence will come more easily.