

Communications for Strategic Alliances in Rehabilitation

Building alliances is key to integrating people with disabilities into the workplace. In this course, we’ll explore the role of strategic communication, partnerships and collaboration with individuals, groups, organizations and diverse populations. You’ll learn basic counselling skills, including the skills and techniques required for an effective interview. You'll explore key elements of rehabilitation practices such as self-evaluation and motivational interviewing skills. You’ll also learn negotiation and conflict resolution techniques as well as be exposed to a variety of client populations and settings in order to develop appropriate interventions that build strong strategic alliances.


Location: Online
Duration: 6 weeks
Tuition: $749
Can be applied to:
Vocational Rehabilitation and Disability Management Certificate

Upcoming Offerings

Start Date
Seats Available
Start DateTue, Jun 17, 2025
  • Tue, Jun 17 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Jun 24 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Jul 1 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Jul 8 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Jul 15 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Jul 22 (self-paced all week)
Seats Available18

What you will learn

After completing this course, you’ll be able to do the following:

  • Develop self-awareness of professional values and beliefs to build strong client-professional rapport 
  • Apply effective communication skills through a diverse and inclusive lens in interactions with clients and interdisciplinary teams
  • Apply basic counselling skills and interventions including motivational interviewing skills
  • Conduct a needs assessment and intake interview to assist employers in identifying and developing workplace accommodations 
  • Build strategic alliances and partnerships through negotiation, decision-making and conflict resolution techniques
  • Access resources and supports needed to make appropriate referrals and accommodate workers with disabilities 

How you will learn and be evaluated

  • Prepare to spend 6–10 hours per week on coursework
  • Expect reading and other assignments on a weekly basis
  • Plan to access the course at least once every few days to keep up with your work and class discussions
  • Connect with the instructor via email, online posts, and optional live Q&A Zoom sessions scheduled by the instructor (summaries/recordings available)

You will be evaluated on:

  • Assignments (individual and group)
  • Participation in online discussions and case scenarios 

You will be evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis (minimum average grade of 75% required to pass).

Learning Materials

No textbook is required. We will provide all course materials online.

Technical Requirements

For online courses, you will need a computer with audio and microphone that is connected to the internet. Canvas is the online system that will be used for the course. For more information and online support, visit Online Learning.

Professional Development Credits

This course may meet the requirements for the following credential:

  •  (CVRP)
  • (RTWDM)

This course is also pre-approved for continuing education credits from the following organizations:

  •  â€“ Continuing Education Units
  •  â€“ Continuing Education Units
  •  â€“ Continuing Education Units