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General diving information Circle all options that apply and provide requested information. Expand spaces as needed Mission(s): Observation and Recording Surveying Coring Photography Collection and Sampling Installation and Maintenance Training Other (specify): Mode: SCUBA (air) SCUBA (other) Snorkel Special modes & equipment (specify; see Appendix): Dive sites: Give country, site names and coordinates; indicate access (i.e. shore or boat) for each site Anticipated total number of dives: Maximum depth (m): Anticipated number of dives at: 0-10 m: 10-20 m: 20-30 m: 30-40 m: Dive team Name each crew member, his/her home institution and role in the project; identify the diving supervisor with an asterisk Special environmental conditions (list all applicable; see attached Appendix for list) 4. Description of dive plan(s) (including dive profiles and residual nitrogen status across the period of study; please expand the space below as needed) 5. Risk assessment and safety protocols A. Fill out risk assessment grid attached. Take as much space as needed for full assessment. B. Emergency procedures. Describe the communication equipment, oxygen and first aid resources, emergency health services availability, chamber and transport availability and activation time for your proposed dive site. Use additional page(s) as needed. 6. I understand that all diving conducted under University auspices must comply with the University Diving Regulations. I understand further that all personnel involved in the diving operations described herein must be registered with the University Diving Control Board. PI Signature Date Risk assessment, mitigation and contingency grid List hazards in the first column under the relevant category, tick the likely level of risk for each hazard, and explain how risk will be mitigated and contingency plans if needed. This risk assessment should cover all fieldwork risks, and thus include but not be limited to diving risks. HazardRiskMitigation and contingencyHighMediumLowPhysical Biological Chemical Human-made  Appendix - Special diving modes and equipment Umbilical diving Rebreathing apparatus (closed and semi-closed circuit) Mixed gas diving (includes use of oxygen) Bells (open and closed) Saturation diving Habitats Chamber diving Submersible vehicles (includes atmospheric diving systems) Diver lock-out vehicles Compressors Power tools Explosives Electrical equipment Special environmental conditions Diving under ice Altitude diving Deep diving (deeper than 40 m/130 feet) Decompression diving Diving in zero visibility Diving in contaminated water Night diving Diving in caves, shipwrecks, pipes, tunnels or other enclosed spaces Blue-water diving (no bottom) Diving in strong currents \A H O q t y z     8 9 A B C D F Q R Y 个Ɣ|rrr|dhB h$}5OJQJ^JhaGgOJQJ^JhaGghaGgOJQJ^JhaGg>*OJQJ^Jh*ij>*OJQJ^Jh 5OJQJ^JhB haGg5OJQJ^JhB h*ij5OJQJ^Jh OJQJ^Jh{pOJQJ^Jhp3OJQJ^JhJh*ijOJQJ^JhJh 5OJQJ^J%./\]s t D E F ]   h"0]0gd  h"0]0gd*ij "0]0gd*ij  4 !0]0gd*ij$  4 !0]0a$gd GY \ ]      $ % ' . 1 7 ; D G N R ^ b h j k r |  ռ|oeoeoeoeoeoeoeo|oeoeoeoeoeoeh OJQJ^JhJh OJQJ^Jhth 5OJQJ^JhJhC>*OJQJ^JhC>*OJQJ^JhJ>*OJQJ^JhJhJ>*OJQJ^JhChC6OJQJ^Jh 6OJQJ^JhZh 6OJQJ^JhB hC5OJQJ^JhB hJ5OJQJ^J'              i j k P Q  h"0]0gd  h"0]0gd*ij 5 O P Q [ w y õyoooobooooboobhJh*ijOJQJ^JhCOJQJ^Jhth*ij5OJQJ^JhaGgOJQJ^Jht6OJQJ^Jhtht6OJQJ^JhaGg5OJQJ^JhB haGg5OJQJ^JhB hk5OJQJ^JhJOJQJ^JhJhJ>*OJQJ^Jh OJQJ^JhJh OJQJ^J! b c d p 2:CLUVa h"0]0gdkgdaGg h"0]0gdp3 h"0]0gd*ij     " # ) + - . 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