
Zhang, Richard (Hao)

Professor, School of Computing Science


Tel: 778.782.6843

Email:   haoz@sfu.ca

Office:  TASC1 8027



Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada, 2003
M.Math., Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada, 1997
B.Math., Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Canada, 1995

Research interests

  • Geometry processing
  • Computer graphics
  • Shape modeling and analysis

Teaching interests

  • Computer graphics
  • Geometry modeling and processing
  • Computer animation

Recently taught courses

  • CMPT 464/764 Geometric modeling in computer graphics
  • CMPT 466 Computer animation
  • CMPT 361 Introduction to computer graphics

Selected recent publications

  • , Hanlin Zheng, Hao Zhang, , , and Yueshan Xiong, "Photo-Inspired Model-Driven 3D Object Modeling," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2011), 2011.
  • , Hao Zhang, , , "A Survey on Shape Correspondence," Computer Graphics Forum (extended version of Eurographics STAR), in press, 2011.
  • , , Hao Zhang, , Yueshan Xiong, and Zhiquan Cheng, "Style-Content Separation by Anisotropic Part Scales," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proceeding of SIGGRAPH Asia 2010), Volume 29, Number 6, pp. 184:1-184:10, 2010.
  • , Hao Zhang, , , Guo Li, Min Meng, and Yueshan Xiong, "Partial Intrinsic Reflectional Symmetry of 3D Shapes," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proceeding of SIGGRAPH Asia 2009), Article 138.
  • , Hao Zhang, and , "Curve Skeleton Extraction from Incomplete Point Cloud," ACM Trans. on Graphics (Proceeding of SIGGRAPH 2009), Volume 28, Number 3, Article 71, 9 pages.

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