
Schulte, Oliver

Professor, School of Computing Science


 778.782.8826 & 778.782.3390
ASB 10742 and TASC1 9021
Web:  www.cs.sfu.ca/~oschulte/   


Ph.D. Logic and Computation, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 1997
M.Sc. Logic and Computation, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 1993
B.Sc. Computing Science, University of Toronto, Canada, 1992

Research interests

  • Machine Learning
  • Statistical Learning for Relational Databases
  • Computational Game Theory
  • Computational Logic

Teaching interests

  • Database Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computers and Society

Recently taught courses

  • CMPT320 Social Implications of a Computerized Society
  • CMPT 354 Introduction to Database Management
  • CMPT 726 Machine Learning

Selected recent publications

  • A tractable pseudo-likelihood function for Bayes Nets Applied to Relational Data. SIAM Conference on Data Mining, 2011.
  • Hassan Khosravi, Oliver Schulte, Tong Man, Xiaoyuan Xu, Bahareh Bina (2010). Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pp.487-493.
  • O. Schulte, G.Frigo, R. Greiner and H. Khosravi (2010). Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CANAI), pp.123--134, Springer LNCS 6085. Best Paper Award.
  • . Schulte, O. (2009). Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09), pp. 1481-1487.
  • Mind-change optimal learning of Bayes net structure from dependency and independency data. Schulte, O., W. Luo, and R. Greiner (2010). Information and Computation, 208:63-82.

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