
Hamarneh, Ghassan

Professor, School of Computing Science


Tel:   778.782.2214
Email:  hamarneh@cs.sfu.ca
Office:  TASC1 9417


Ph.D. Signal and Systems, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 2001
M.Sc. Digital Communications, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 1997
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Jordan University, Jordan, 1995

Research interests

  • Medical Image Analysis

Teaching interests

  • Scientific computing
  • Signal and image processing
  • Health informatics and biomedical computing
  • Medical imaging and medical image analysis

Recently taught courses

  • CMPT 102 Introduction to Scientific Computing
  • CMPT 340 Biomedical Computing
  • CMPT 419/829 Biomedical Image Computing
  • CMPT 888 Medical Image Analysis

Selected recent publications

  • Shawn Andrews and Ghassan Hamarneh. The Generalized Log-Ratio Transformation: Learning Shape and Adjacency Priors for Simultaneous Thigh Muscle Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (IEEE TMI), 34(9):1773-1787, 2015
  • Colin J. Brown, Steven Miller, Brian G. Booth, Shawn Andrews, Vann Chau, Ken Poskitt, and Ghassan Hamarneh. Structural Network Analysis of Brain Development in Young Preterm Neonates. NeuroImage, 101(0):667-680, 2014
  • Hengameh Mirzaalian, Tim Lee, and Ghassan Hamarneh. Hair Enhancement in Dermoscopic Images using Dual-Channel Quaternion Tubularness Filters and MRF-based Multi-Label Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE TIP), 23(12):5486-5496, 2014
  • Masoud Nosrati and Ghassan Hamarneh. Local optimization based Segmentation of Spatially-Recurring, Multi-Region Objects with Part Configuration Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (IEEE TMI), 33(9):1845-1859, 2014
  • Chris McIntosh and Ghassan Hamarneh. Medial-based Deformable Models in Non-convex Shape-spaces for Medical Image Segmentation using Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (IEEE TMI), 31(1):33-50, 2012

Medical Image Analysis Lab: