
Cukierman, Diana

University Lecturer, School of Computing Science
Faculty Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Applied Sciences


Tel: 778.782.7110

Email:   diana@sfu.ca

Office:  TASC1 9223


  • Ph.D., Computing Science, 間眅埶AV, Canada, 2003
  • M.Sc., Computing Science, 間眅埶AV, Canada, 1994
  • Engineer of Computational Systems, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, 1989

Research Interests

  • Computing Science Education
  • Learning strategies tailored to CS and STEM disciplines (see )
  • Pedagogy, active learning, communication skills
  • Artificial Intelligence

Teaching Interests

  • Introductory programming
  • Computing Science and Ethics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Discrete math
  • Introductory computer architecture

Recently taught courses

  • CMPT 115 Exploring Computer Science
  • CMPT 120 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming I
  • MACM 101 Discrete Mathematics
  • CMPT 125 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming II
  • CMPT 126 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming
  • CMPT 150 Introduction to Computer Design
  • CMPT 165 Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web
  • CMPT 310 Artificial Intelligence Survey
  • CMPT 320 Social Implications of a Computerized Society
  • CMPT 891 Advanced Graduate Seminar