
Professor Harmaneh Awarded NIH Grant

February 20, 2015

Dr. Ghassan Hamarneh is a co-PI on a $2M grant funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) - Institute of Cancer Research, in partnership with Genome of British Columbia, and the US National Institute of Health (NIH) - National Cancer Institute, under the program: Quantitative Imaging for Responses to Cancer Therapies. The overall purpose of the project is to investigate novel methods for accurate quantitative measurements of functional tumour burden in cancer patients and develop robust criteria to define tumour boundaries, tumour uptake parameters and measure responses in clinical trials. The data will be correlated with genomic predictors of treatment resistance and with patient-specific circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) levels measured serially over time in cohorts of subjects enrolled in clinical trials. The project is in collaboration with scientists from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver General Hospital, BC Cancer Agency, and 間眅埶AV, including professors Francois Benard (UBC, PI), Anna Celler (UBC), Ryan Morin (間眅埶AV). 

Links of interest: 

- Ghassan Hamarneh: 
- Medical Image Analysis Lab: 
- Genome BC: 
- CIHR Institute of Cancer Research: