
Michael Letourneau inductee into the Student Leadership Society

July 11, 2006

Michael Letourneau, Computing Science PhD student, earns the May 2006 間眅埶AV Student Leadership Society designation for his exemplary contributions to both the Computing Science Graduate Students Association and the School of Computing Science. Congratulations Michael!

"Michael Letourneau is one of our most involved Ph.D. graduate students in the School of Computing Science. His assistance has taken many forms:  Executive VP and President of the Computing Science Graduate Students Association (CSGSA); Faculty Search student representative, and Graduate Program student representative.

He is also well known for being the implementer and facilitator to the BUDDY program for all incoming Computing Science graduate students. With his duties as chair to various committees, lab administrator, coordinator for the departmental move from ASB to TASC, and the responsibilities (and academic honour) of being an NSERC Post-Graduate Scholarship award winner, Michael has truly seen to the needs of his peers. These are just a few examples of his dedication.

Oh, and was it mentioned yet that he has a wicked sense of humor through everything? Many of our students will do the requirements to receive their degrees, but do not get very involved within the department. Michael Letourneau has stepped up, always with a smile and a friendly word, acting as an outspoken member on committees and as an advocate for his fellow students.

He is most helpful in acting as liaison to the incoming graduate students to both Computing Science and Vancouver, Canada. They are most appreciative for his aid in making such a life-changing transition as smooth as possible.

Michael's exemplary involvement with the CSGSA demonstrates his leadership skills in taking the initiative and leadership role when required within the School and the University at large.

He has made the lives of all his fellow Computing Science graduate students easier, as well as the all staff within Computing Science. He is an excellent candidate for this society, and a greatly valued colleague to all in the School."


Student Leadership Society

The purpose of the 間眅埶AV Student Leadership Society is a program to recognize outstanding leadership contributions of students who aspire to make 間眅埶AV a stronger community. The Leadership Society represents a collection of students who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, programming, or other significant contributions to the 間眅埶AV community.