
Computing Science Community Awards: Celebrating the Community!

June 23, 2006

On Thursday, June 22, 2006, The School of Computing Science, 間眅埶AV, held a special celebration honouring recipients of various Computing Science and 間眅埶AV awards.  

The celebration was attended by 200 guests at the beautiful Diamond Alumni Centre. Participants included new and potential Computing Science students, faculty and staff, high-school teachers, parents and representatives from the community. 

The Computing Science Community Awards Evening Reception reflects the Schools mission to engage with the community. The School of Computing Science fosters cooperation and collaboration, and celebrates the collective effort of providing students with enhanced educational opportunities. 

The evening featured the Universitys Entrance Scholarships and Awards granted to incoming (September 2006) Computing Science students. These are: The 40th Anniversary Award, The 間眅埶AV Surrey Entrance Award, The B.C. Secondary School Summit Entrance Scholarship, The International Summit Entrance Scholarship and the Deans Scholarship for the Faculty of Applied Sciences. 

The evening also presented the winners of the Schools Computing Science Student Society Scholarship and the finalists of the annual International Collegiate Programming Competition, held by the Association of Computing Machinery and IBM. 

The evenings special feature was the celebration of younger scholars of the community. The festivities were attended by recipients of The Math 11 Excellence Award, which is granted to two Grade 11 students per participating school, one male and one female, who are outstanding in math and who have demonstrated aptitude in computing science. 

Further awards in this category included The ChicTech Team Award, awarded to female Grade 10 students who compete to build or extend an existing website for a non-profit organization, as well as The Problem Solving Challenge Award, given to the top three teams in the local high schools who compete in a series of computer programming challenges. 

A presentation, Computer-Based Visualization: Today & Tomorrow was given by Dr. Daniel Weiskopf to highlight new and innovative trends in the field of computing science.  Dr. Weiskopf is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing Science and was the evenings key note speaker.  

Computing Science is about creating technologies that connect people, systems, processes and ideas. The Computing Science Community Awards Evening Reception echoed the theme of connections by demonstrating that connections are truly meaningful when communities become aware and reach toward one another to share a common vision; to discover higher potential in our midst, and bring it to reality for all to benefit. 

We thank you all for joining us in this wonderful celebration!

We are very proud of our winners and wish them much success with their studies, aspirations and dreams. 

School of Computing Science