
Awards and Scholarships

CS Diversity Award

The CS Diversity Award recognizes student project and research work in the School of Computing Science towards achieving inclusion, diversity, equity, and justice (EDIJ) in Computing Science Research, Educational, and Professional Practices.

Award Value: $1000


A student or group of students who performed a project towards achieving inclusion, diversity, equity, and justice (EDIJ) in Computing Science Research, Educational, and Professional Practices may submit their project for this award.

  • The project may be a course project, capstone project, or an independent student research or implementation project.
  • EDIJ goals may be met in the project subject and goals or in the associated practices.

The submission process is through self-nomination: Students submit their project and argument for eligibility in order to be considered for this award.

Selection Criteria 

Award in CS Diversity will be awarded to a project performed by a student or a group of students, meeting either of the following requirements.

1)    Subject & Goals: The subject of the project or research is on use of computing science and technology to meet and enhance upon EDIJ goals, including but not limited to the following categories

a)     Technology for social good 

(e.g., data access, accessibility practices, digital democracy, digital justice solutions, etc.)  

b)    Combating biases and ill-practices in computing science education and professional practices

(e.g., debiasing AI, Combating misinformation and disinformation, etc.)

c) Endeavor to demonstrate intellectual excellence in addressing EDIJ goals in computing science

2)    Participants & Practices: The student or the student team show excellence and commitment to EDIJ in practice

a)  Commitment to diversity and inclusion in team forming 

(e.g., minority representation or gender-diversity in teams)

b)    Use of EDIJ research or practice methodologies 

(e.g., channels for including historically marginalized ideas)

Selection Process

  • The award is adjudicated by the members of the Computing Science Diversity Committee.
  • A set of projects will be selected by CSDC for presentation. All projects selected for the presentation day will be highlighted on CSDC website. 
  • The final award announcement among the presented projects will be made on the day of the presentations by the award committee.

Link to Submission form

Important Dates

Applications Open: Feb 20, 2024

Application Deadline: March 15, 2024

Notification for Presentation: March 20, 2024

Presentation & Final Award Announcement Day: March 27, 2024 (3-5pm), in-person, Big Data Hub Presentation Studio