

Unlike traditional thesis-based degrees, our programs does not have a research component. Instead, almost half of the coursework consists of hands-on lab training, complemented by a carefully selected array of instructional courses. Students develop deep knowledge and practical skills working with data in all forms. Consulting with dedicated academic advisors, students are able to select courses that help them hone in on an area of interest. The program is best suited for students who wish to work in industry upon graduation and have a strong aptitude in computer science or other quantitative fields, such as engineering or mathematics.

A hallmark of our program is the mandatory, paid co-op placement. Co-op allows students to tackle real-world scientific, engineering and socio-economic problems while gaining valuable project management experience and expanding their network of industry contacts.


Our Masters programs require students to complete a minimum of 30 units of graduate work. These units are divided as follows: 

  • a minimum of 15 credits of graduate coursework
  • 12 credits of specialized lab work
  • 3 credits for co-op (internship) work

Please note that only three credits are allocated to the co-op placement, regardless of whether a student completes one or two terms on co-op.

The program is normally four semesters (or 16 months) in length. This includes a four-month co-op placement. Students who take more than four semesters to complete the program are required to pay a continuing fee for each additional semester. Please see the section on tuition fees for more information. 

It is recommended that students complete nine credits per academic term so as to spread out the coursework evenly and maximize the learning experience while allowing time for extra-curricular activities and the co-op seeking process. Typically, the first two semesters are nine credits each, followed by one or two co-op terms (depending on whether a four-month or eight-month placement was secured). After the co-op term, students return to campus for a final term of nine credits.




For students enrolled in the Master of Science in Big Data program, the tuition fee structure is based on a per term (not per credit) fee of $8,427.91 (CAD) per semester for domestic students and $12,569.09 (CAD) for international students for the 2024/25 academic year.

  • Total tuition cost for domestic students (4 semesters):  $33,711.64 (CAD)
  • Total tuition cost for international students for (4 semesters):  $50,276.36 (CAD)

For students enrolled in the Master of Cybersecurity and Master of Visual Computing programs, the tuition fee structure is based on a per term (not per unit) fee of $9,180 (CAD) per term for domestic students and $13,250 (CAD) for international students for the 2024/25 academic year.

  • Total tuition cost for domestic students (4 terms): $36,720 (CAD)
  • Total tuition cost for international students for (4 terms): $53,000 (CAD)

Please note that for all the three programs above, the same per-semester fee applies to the co-op semester as well. We expect most students to graduate in four semesters, but, in cases where additional semesters are required for program completion, a continuing fee is assessed for each additional semester. The continuing fee is half the normal tuition per semester.

Students must be able to provide for all living and education expenses as set out on the Graduate Studies website. You may also check the website’s Budget Calculator to see estimated costs. There is no research-based funding for this program. However, the program includes a co-op in the third semester which helps offset the cost.

*Note: Tuition and fees are subject to change, subject to provincial legislation, and subject to board of governors approval.


Multiple entrance scholarships of up to $15,000 (CAD) each are offered annually to domestic students. Exceptional international students will also be considered. Preference will be given to female students. Selection is based on academic and professional achievement. All successful program applicants will be considered. No separate application is necessary.


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