
Sara M. Grimes

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Information

University of Toronto

Dr. Sara M. Grimes is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Information (iSchool), University of Toronto, where she teaches and researches primarily in the areas of in childrens new media and literature. She recently completed a PhD in Communication at the School of Communication, 間眅埶AV. Her research explores childrens evolving relationship with digital media culture and technologies, the rationalization of childrens play within commercialized technological systems, and the political economy of digital games. Sara has an M.A. in Communication from 間眅埶AV, as well as a B.A.(Hons) in Communication from the University of Ottawa. Sara has published work on intellectual property conflicts in massively multiplayer online games (or MMOGs) (New Media & Society), terms of use contracts in childrens games (The Players Realm, McFarland & Company), as well as childrens online culture (with Shade, International Journal of Media and Cultural and Politics; and Chung,Canadian Journal of Communication) and its regulation (International Journal of Communications Law & Policy). Her more recent work has focused on the cultural and political discourses that surround child gamers (with Narine, Communication, Culture & Critique), questions of authorship and affective labour raised by emerging forms of child-generated content (forthcoming), and a theoretical discussion of the technologically mediated "rationalization of play" that occurs within MMOGs co-authored with Andrew Feenberg (The Information Society). Her PhD dissertation examined the various rule systems (technological, social, political and cultural) contained within popular commercial childrens MMOGs, such as Disneys Club Penguin and Mattels BarbieGirls, in order to explore how design affordances and commercial priorities (re)shape childrens digital play. Sara joined the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto in Summer 2010.

E-mail: smgrimes [at] sfu [dot] ca


Full CV: 


Journal Articles

Narine, Neil. and Grimes, Sara M. (2009) "The Turbulent Rise of the Child Gamer: Public Fears and Corporate Promises in Cinematic and Promotional Depictions of Childrens Digital Play."Communication, Culture & Critique, 2(3). pp.319-338. 

Grimes, Sara M. and Andrew Feenberg (2009) Rationalizing Play: A Critical Theory of Digital Gaming. The Information Society,  25(2). pp. 105-118. 

Grimes, Sara M. (2008). Saturday Morning Cartoons Go MMOG. Media International Australia (126), Special Issue: Beyond Broadcasting: TV for the Twenty-first Century. 

Grimes, Sara M. (2008). Kids Ad Play: Regulating Childrens Advergames in the Converging Media Context. International Journal of Communications Law and Policy, 8 (12). pp.162-178.  

Grimes, Sara M. (2007). Researching the Researchers: Market Researchers, Child Subjects and the Problem of "Informed" Consent. International Journal of Internet Research Ethics 1(1). 

Consalvo, M., Grimes, S. M. and H. Kennedy (2007). Commentary and Criticism: Digital Games and Gender.  Feminist Media Studies 7(1). pp. 97-110. 

Grimes, Sara. M. (2006). "Online Multiplayer Gaming: A Virtual Space for Intellectual Property Debates?"   New Media & Society 8(6): 969-990. 

Chung, G. and S. M. Grimes (2005). Data Mining the Kids: Surveillance and Market Research Strategies in Childrens Online Games. Canadian Journal of Communication 30(4): 527-548. 

Grimes, Sara. M. & Shade, Leslie R. (2005). "Neopian Economics of Play: Childrens Cyberpets and Online Communities as Immersive Advertising in Neopets.com." International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 1(2):181-198. 

Grimes, S. M. (2004). "Understanding Disney: The Manufacture of Fantasy: by Janet Wasko" [Book Review], Canadian Journal of Communication 29(2):238-240. 

Grimes, Sara M. (2003) "All About the Blog" ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society 33(1). 

Book Chapters

Grimes, S. M. (2007). "Terms of Service, Terms of Play in Childrens Online Gaming." In Williams, Patrick and Jonas Heide Smith (Eds.) The Players Realm: Studies on the Culture of Video Games and Gaming, pp.33-55. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. 

Other Contributions

Grimes, Sara M. (2009) "The Hidden Playground" The Escapist (227), November 10. 

Grimes, Sara M. (2009) "Obsolescence Pending: Rating the ESRB" The Escapist (223), October 13.

Grimes, Sara M. (2008) Im a BarbieGirl, In a BarbieGirl World. The Escapist (165), September 2.

Grimes, Sara M. (2008) Lego, Star Wars, and the Rationalization of Play. CPROST Digest, issue 19. URL: 

Grimes, Sara M. (2008) Hitem Hard and Makeem Bleed. The Escapist (173), October 28. URL: 

Grimes, Sara M. (2007). "Expanding Universes." The Escapist (111), August 21:

Grimes, Sara M. (2007). Mining the Game. The Escapist (86), February 27: 13-15.

Presentations and Lectures

Participant in the Graduate Student Symposium at State of Play VI. Hosted by New York Law School, June 18-21, 2009, New York, NY.

The Digital Child at Play. Invited public lecture hosted by Infoscape Research Lab at Ryserson University, September 18, 2008, Toronto, Ontario.

"Deconstructing the Girl Gamer: From the Girls Games Movement to Rule of Rose." Canadian Communication Association (CCA) Annual Conference at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia. June 4-6, 2008.

The Exploitation of Childrens Affective Labour in Corporately Owned Virtual Worlds." Joint Annual Meetings of Law and Society Association and Canadian Law and Society Association. Hilton Bonaventure, Montreal, Quebec. May 29-June 1, 2008.

Branding Childrens Play: Mapping the Commercial Convergence of Media, Toys and Gaming in Virtual Worlds for Kids. Annual Summit of the Campaign for Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC), Judge Bakers Children Centre, Harvard University, Wheelock College, Boston, MA.[Invited keynote presentation]. April 3-5, 2008. 

Saturday Morning Cartoons Go MMOG: Childrens television and the construction of the player as commodity. paper presented at the Union for Democratic Communications (UDC) Annual Conference: Enclosure, Emancipatory Communication, and the Global City. 間眅埶AV, Vancouver, British Columbia. Oct. 25-28, 2007.

Saturday Morning Cartoons Go MMOG: Cross-media integration, branded play and the migration of childrens television to massively multiplayer online gaming. paper presented at the Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR) Annual Conference 8: Lets Play. 間眅埶AV, Vancouver, British Columbia. Oct. 18-20, 2007 

"Researching the Researchers: Market Research, Child Subjects and the Problem of Informed Consent." Trials & Tribulations: Negotiating Research Methods in Cyberspace Symposium, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec. November 10-11, 2006.

Reconfiguring Regulation Panel. Converging in Parallel: Linking Communications Research and Policy in Emerging Canadian Scholarship, McGill University,  Montreal, Quebec. November 9-10, 2006.

"Violent Video Games Debate." Invited presentation, Knowledge: States of Nature, Dawson College, Montreal, Quebec. November 8, 2006.

"Modernitys Child at Play: Digital Gaming as Productive Leisure or Wasted Time," paper presented at the Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Conference, Arlington, Virginia, Co-presented with A. Narine. Apr. 19-22, 2006. 

"Playtime is over! Childrens digital gaming as productive leisure or wasted time" paper presented at the Popular Culture Association (PCA) National Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, Co-presented with A. Narine. Apr. 13-16, 2006. 

Issues in Digital Game Studies. Guest lecture, CMNS 253: Introduction to Information Technology: The New Media, School of Communication, 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, British Columbia. June 26, 2006.

"No Fair!": Intellectual Property and Cultural Participation in Childrens Online Gaming paper presented at Changing Views: Worlds in Play Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) International Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia. June 16-20, 2005.

Its SO Much Fun: Online Games as Childs Play in Toontown, Neopets and EverythingGirl.com paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association (PCA) National Conference, San Diego, California. March 23-26, 2005.

Childrens Online Culture. Guest lecture, CMNS 320: Children, Media and Culture, School of Communication, 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, British Columbia.  February 24, 2005.

The Video Games Industry. Guest lecture, CMNS 230: Cultural Industries, School of Communication, 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, British Columbia. February 3, 2005.

"Cool Hunting the Kids Digital Playground: Datamining and the Privacy Debates in Childrens Online Entertainment Sites,Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38) Conference Proceedings, Waikola, Hawaii. Co-presentation with G. Chung. January 3-6, 2005.

"The Political Economy of Online Gaming: A Virtual Space for Intellectual Property Debates?" paper presented at the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) Annual Conference, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Winnipeg, Manitoba. June 3-7, 2004.

"You Shoot Like A Girl!": The Female Protagonist in Action-Adventure Video Games", paper presented at Level Up!: Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) International Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, November 4-6, 2003.