Marcelo Vieta

PhD Candidate

Graduate Programme in Social and Political Thought

York University (Toronto, Canada)

Marcelo Vieta is a PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought at York University. Grounded in a critical theoretical approach and a phenomenological methodology, his PhD work focuses on the political economic, socio-historical, and phenomenological underpinnings of the most recent cases of workers’ control in Argentina. Specifically, Vieta explores the interplay between work-life, technology, cultural production, workers’ militancy, and horizontal forms of organization in the movement of worker-recovered enterprises in Argentina. Vieta’s other academic interests include existential phenomenology, social interactional aspects of Internet sociability, and philosophy of technology.

E-mail: vieta [at] yorku [dot] ca


Book Chapters

Marcelo Vieta, “Las empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores como cooperativas de trabajo: Los desafíos, e innovaciones de la autogestión en la Argentina”, in Las empresas recuperadas: Autogestión obrera en Argentina y Latinoamérica (A. Ruggeri, Ed., Buenos Aires: Editorial Ciccus, 2009).

Marcelo Vieta & Andrés Ruggeri, “The Worker-Recovered Enterprises as Workers’ Cooperatives: The Conjunctures, Challenges, and Innovations of Self-Management in Argentina and Latin America”, in Co-operatives in a Global Economy: The Challenges of Co-operation Across Borders (J.J. McMurtry & Darryl Reed, Eds., Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2009).

Ezeiza, M.C., L. Ralon, M. Vieta y V. Ruocco (forthcoming) “(De)formacion virtual: una mirada crítica a las desventajas de la educación que se viene" [one of ten chapters in a book on the state of k-12 and postsecondary education in Argentina]. Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Educación.

Chee, F., M. Vieta & Richard Smith (2006) “Online Gaming and the Interactional Self: Identity Interplay in Situated Practice”, in J. Patrick Williams, Sean Q. Hendricks and W. Keith Winkler (eds.) Gaming as Culture: Essays on Reality, Identity and Experience in Fantasy Games. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.


Marcelo Vieta, “The Social Innovations of Autogestión in Argentina’s Worker-Recuperated Enterprises: Cooperatively Organizing Productive Life in Hard Times”, Labor Studies Journal, vol. 34, no. 3 (September 2009). 

Marcelo Vieta, "Understanding Technological Rationality: Marcuse’s Critiques of Technology and Contemporary Implications for Technological Liberation", (under review). 

Marcelo Vieta, "Hope for Our Technological Inheritance? From Substantive Critiques of Technology to Marcuse’s Post-Technological Rationality", Strategies of Critique: A Graduate Journal of Social and Politial Thought (forthcoming).

Marcelo Vieta. "The Bloggy Way of Doing Things’: An Assessment of Blogs through the Social Interactions of Bloggers", Proceedings of the 4th annual conference of Chinese Internet Communication, (Wuhan, China: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, October 12-14, 2007).

Marcelo Vieta, “Argentina’s Worker-Recovered Enterprises Movement: Reconstituting Working Lives,” New Socialist Magazine, Issue 57 (Toronto, Summer, 2006). Available from:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Marcelo Vieta, “Rethinking Life Online: The Interactional Self as a Theory for Internet-Mediated Communication”, Iowa Journal of Communication, vol. 37, no. 1 (Storm Lake,Iowa, USA, Spring/Fall 2005).

Laureano Ralon, Marcelo Vieta, y Lucia Vasquez, “(De)formación en línea: acerca de las desventajas de la educación virtual”, Comunicar, issue 22 (Huelva, Spain: University ofHuelva, Jan. 2005). Available from: .

Maria Cristina Ezeiza, Laureano Ralon, Marcelo Vieta, y Vanessa Ruocco, "(De)formacion virtual: una mirada critica a las desventajas de la educacion que se viene",Educ.ar (Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Educacion, Oct. 2003). Available from:http://weblog.educ.ar/site/archives/000251.php

Marcelo Vieta, “York University’s Email Policy for Graduate Students: Observations, Concerns, and Recommendations for CUPE 3903’s 2005 Collective Bargaining Round.” Paper submitted to the Canadian Union of Public Employee’s Unit 3903’s 2005 bargaining round call for papers (May 2005).

Marcelo Vieta, “Marshal McLuhan, Don Ihde, and the North American School of Communication”, digest: Innovations in New Media, vol.1.11 (Vancouver: Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology, Simon Fraser University, Mar./Apr. 2004). Available from: 

Marcelo Vieta, “What’s the Matter with the Blogosphere?”, digest: Innovations in New Media, vol.1.10 (Vancouver: Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology,Simon Fraser University, Nov. 2003). Available from: 

Marcelo Vieta and Laureano Ralon, “The Constituent Media of the Video Gaming Centre”, digest: Innovations in New Media, vol.1.10 (Vancouver: Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology, Simon Fraser University, Nov. 2003). Available from: 

Marcelo Vieta, “Understanding the Internet’s Place in our Everyday Lives”, digest: Innovations in New Media, vol.1.9 (Vancouver: Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology, Simon Fraser University, Mar. 2003). Available from:


Andres Ruggeri, “The Worker Recovered Enterprises in Argentina: The Political and Socio-Economic Challenges of Self-Management” (Marcelo Vieta, translator), Another World is Necessary…, Centre for Global Justice conference proceedings (Jul. 2006). Available from: 

Lectures and Presentations

Marcelo Vieta, "Autogestión and the Worker-Recuperated Enterprises in Argentina: The Potential for Reconstituting Work and Recomposing Life", conference paper presented at the first annual "Reimagining Revolution Anarachist Studies Network conference,Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK (Sept. 4-6, 2008), http://www.anarchist-studies-network.org.uk/Re-Imagining_Revolution

Marcelo Vieta, “From Substantive Critiques of Technology to Marcuse’s Post-Technological Rationality of Liberation”, conference paper presented at the “What’s Left, What’s Right” Strategies of Critique annual graduate conference, Programme in Social and Political Thought, York University, Toronto, Canada (April 25-26, 2008).

Marcelo Vieta, “Autogestión in Argentina’s Worker-Recuperated Enterprises: The Possibilities and Challenges for Self-Management”, conference paper presented at the Historical Materialism annual conference, York University, Toronto, Canada (Apr. 24-26, 2008).

Marcelo Vieta, “Worker-Recovered Enterprises as Workers’ Cooperatives:  Something Old or Something New?” conference paper presented at the Latin American Studies Association annual conference, Montreal, Canada (Sept. 5-8, 2007).

Marcelo Vieta & Andrés Ruggeri, "Las empresas recuperadas y las cooperatives de trabajo: ¿Algo viejo o algo nuevo?" Conference paper presented at the Workers’ Economy: Self-Management and the Distribution of Wealth gathering, University of Buenos Aires,Buenos Aires, Argentina (Jul. 19-21, 2007).

Marcelo Vieta, “The Worker-Recovered Enterprises in Argentina: Worker Self-Management and Hope Within Socio-Economic Crisis,” talk given at the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, Toronto, Canada (Mar. 20, 2007).

Marcelo Vieta, “Argentina’s Worker-Recovered Enterprises Movement and the Reconstitution of Working Lives”, conference paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, Toronto, Canada (May 28, 2006).

Marcelo Vieta, “The Worker-Recovered Enterprises Movement in Argentina: Workers’ Self-Management and Hope within Social-Economic Crisis,” conference paper presented at the Canadian Association of Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Calgary,Alberta, Canada (Sept. 28-30 2006).

“McLuhan, the Frankfurt School, and Media Studies.” Guest lecture given in a course taught by Christine Shaw: History and Theory of Visual Culture, Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, Canada (Jan. 9, 2006).

“Here Be Dragons.” Introductory lecture for Humanities 1650: The Networked Imagination, introducing students to an exhibit on critical cartography that I co-curated at the Toronto Free Gallery, Toronto, Canada (Nov. 25, 2005).

“Overcoming the Inevitable Question ‘Will this be on the test?’: The Value of the Concept in Teaching a First Year Foundations Course in Humanities.” Talk given at “Dialogues on Teaching: Workshop for TAs on Teaching in Humanities Foundations,” York University,Toronto, Canada, (Nov. 1, 2005).

“The Will-to-Virtuality.” Lecture given in a course taught by Lew Lowther and Christine Sismondo: Humanities 1650, The Networked Imagination, Faculty of Humanities, YorkUniversity, Toronto, Canada (Mar. 8, 2005).

“What’s Really Going On With the Blogosphere.” Lecture given in a course co-taught by Lew Lowther, Christine Sismondo, and Joan Allen: Humanities 1650, The Networked Imagination, Faculty of Humanities, York University, Toronto, Canada (Mar. 21, 2005).

Marcelo Vieta, “Autonomist Communication School: Bridging Critical Studies and Political Economy”, chaired panel at the National Communication Association annual conference, Chicago, USA (Nov. 12-14, 2004).

Marcelo Vieta & Florence Chee, “EverQuest, Online Game Communities, and the Interactional Self: Modes of Mediation and the Possibility of Integrated Personhood”, conference paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Communication Association, Winnipeg, Canada (Jun. 3-5, 2004).

“Are There Heroes Anymore?” – A Philosopher’s Café.  Led a Philosopher’s Cafe put on by Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Dialogue in Vancouver, Canada (Apr. 26, 2004).

Marcelo Vieta, “Marshall McLuhan and Martin Heidegger:  Comparing Two Philosophers of Technological Existence,” conference paper presented at the bi-annual Nelson Graduate Conference jointly organized by the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Communication and Culture and ԰AV’s School of Communication graduate student associations in Nelson, BC, Canada (Mar. 13-14, 2004).

“Humour as a Language of Everyday Life: Towards a Theory of Subversion?” Lecture given in a course developed by Prof. Gary McCarron and taught by Silva Tennenbein: Communication 304, Theories of Language in Everyday Life, School of Communication, ԰AV, Vancouver, Canada (Oct. 6, 2003).

Marcelo Vieta, “The Interactional Self and the Experiences of Internet Mediated Communication as Seen Through Heidegger, Mead, and Schutz”, conference paper presented at the Association of Internet Researcher’s “Broadening the Band” conference in Toronto, Canada (Oct. 16-19, 2003). (Also a finalist for the AoIR student paper award.)

“The Rise of the Net Generation” – A Philosopher’s Café.  Led a Philosopher’s Cafe put on by Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Dialogue in Whistler, BC, Canada (Jun. 15, 2003).

Marcelo Vieta, “The Interactional Self, Social Situation, and Internet Mediated Communication: The Self Online as Seen Through the Social Interaction Theories of Mead and Schutz”, conference paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Communication Association, Nova Scotia, Canada (Jun. 1-4, 2003).

“Ethical Consumption and Voluntary Simplicity.” Lecture given twice in a course taught by Prof. Zoe Druick: Communication 223 – Advertising as Social Communication, Schoolof Communication, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada (Mar. 28, 2003 and Nov. 20, 2003).

Marcelo Vieta, “An Emerging Theory of the Interactional Self for Internet Sociability”, conference paper presented at the Intersections 2003 conference “Bridging Boundaries” put on by York University/Ryerson’s Communication and Culture program, Toronto, Canada (Mar. 14-15, 2003).

Marcelo Vieta, “How the Social Interaction Theories of Schutz and Mead Can Help to Understand the Practices of Autobiography Online.” Presentation given at the Exploring Autobiographical Practices lecture series at Green College, UBC, Vancouver, Canada, put on by the UBC Dpt. of English (Jan. 15, 2003).

“Realizing Learning Communities on the BC Education Portal.” Presentation given to the “Learning Communities: Uniting Education” seminar put on by New Media BC (May 9, 2002): http://newmediabc.com/presentation.asp

“Sustainable Community Building Online.” Presentation given to the British Columbia Community Networks Spring 2001 Conference on behalf of TELUS Communication: http://hp.bccna.bc.ca/Community/Conf2001/

“eLearning Strategies for Your Organization.” Numerous presentations given to all levels of government, the non-profit sector, and business communities as an employee of TELUS Communications (2001-2002).

“Building and Maintaining Virtual Communities.” Numerous presentations given to all levels of government, the non-profit sector, and business communities as an employee of TELUS Communications (1999-2001).

Newspaper Publications

Marcelo Vieta, “A Critical Look at York University’s Email Policy for Graduate Students”, Critical Times, vol. 2, issue 7 (York University’s Graduate Student Association and the Canadian Union of Public Employees local 3903, Oct. 2005).

Marcelo Vieta, “The Day After the World Stood Still: Immediate Reflections on 9/11”,myBC.com (Vancouver: TELUS Communications, Sept. 2001). Available from:


Guest editor on "The New Cooperativism" in the peer reviewed journal Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture, and Action, vol. 1, no. 3 (Fall 2009). Available from: