Postdoctoral Fellow
Faculty of Information
University of Toronto
Postdoctoral Fellow
Faculty of Information
University of Toronto
Dr. Kate Milberry is a postdoctoral fellow with a PhD from ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s School of Communication. Her research examines the democratization of technology as a tool and technique for progressive social change. Her current work focuses on the relationship between social movements and the Internet, in particular, how tech activists’ use and develop free software to achieve broader goals of democracy, social and economic justice, equality and environmental sustainability. Kate has an MA in Communication and Social Justice from University of Windsor.
Her research blog is
E-mail: mmilberr [at] sfu [dot] ca
Milberry, K. (forthcoming). Freeing the net: Online mobilizations in defense of democracy. In K. Kozolanka, P. Mazepa & D. Skinner (Eds.) Alternative media in Canada: Policy, practices and politics.Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.
Milberry, K. (2008). The wiki way: Prefiguring change, practising democracy. In G. Ruivenkamp, S. Hisa Tno, & J. Jongerden (Eds.) Reconstructing biotechnologies: Critical social analyses.Wageninen, The Netherlands: Wageninen Academic Publishers.
Milberry, K. (2006). Gatewatching: Collaborative online news production. Canadian Journal of Communication, 31(3): 330,
Milberry, K. (2008). Hacking for social justice. Proceedings of the 4th annual Conference of Chinese Internet Communication. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan (October 12-14, 2007, Wuhan, China).
Milberry, K. & Anderson, S. (2009, forthcoming). Open-sourcing our way to an online commons: Contesting corporate impermeability in the new media ecology. Journal of Communication Inquiry.
Milberry, K. (2007). The wiki way: Anticipating change, practicing democracy. Tailoring Biotechnologies, 3(1), available at
Milberry, K. (2006). Reconstructing the Internet: How Social Justice Activists Contest Technical Design in Cyberspace. M/C Journal, 9(1), available at
"Geeks and global justice: Tech activist interventions into cyberspace." Presentation at the annual meeting of the Union for Democratic Communication, Buffalo, US. (2009).
"The public intellectual: Bridging the academic divide." Presentation at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Montreal, PQ. (2008).
"Open sourcing the academy: From monopolies of knowledge to Open Access Journals." Presentation at the annual meeting of the Canadian Communication Association, Vancouver, BC. (2008).
"From open source to open knowledge: BarCamp and the socio-technical dialectic." Presentation at the Union for Democractic Communication conference, Vancouver, BC. (2007).
"Tech activism in the global justice movement: Geeks, wikis and IMC". Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Communication Association, Toronto, Ontario. (September 2006).
"Open source and the knowledge factory hack." Presentation at the Vancouver Linux Users Group conference, Burnaby, BC. (2008).
"Political use of blogs." Presentation at the Northern Voice conference, Vancouver, BC. (2008).
"From free software to open knowledge: Open source as a method for progressive social change." Presentation at the Open Web Vancouver conference, Vancouver, BC. (2008).
"Geeks and global justice." Presentation at Recent Changes Camp, Montreal, PQ. (2007).
"Geeks and global justice: Tech activism and the democratic rationalization of the Internet". Presentation at Web of Change technology conference, Cortes Island, BC. (August, 2006).
"The history of tech activism". Presentation at BarCamp technology conference, Vancouver, BC. (June, 2006).
"Radical media activism online." Presentation at the World Community Film Festival, Vancouver, BC. (2005)