
Creating a Maillist

First, if you don't already have a maillist set up for those users who will have access to the restricted page(s), create a new maillist. The maillist will be associated with the restricted page(s) and will allow its members to access the restricted page(s) upon login with their 間眅埶AV username and password.

Create the Maillist

  • Go to
  • If you are not already logged into CAS, login with your 間眅埶AV id and password
  • Click Create a new maillist and complete the fields (click the Help link at the top right corner for information on any of the fields)
  • Click the Create the List button.

New maillists will be approved and activated within 24 hours. You will be notified by email once it has been approved and activated.

Add Authors as Members of the Maillist

Only authors belonging to the restricted page maillist will be able to view or access the restricted page.

  • Go to maillist.sfu.ca
  • In the Go to list field, enter maillist name created above, then click Go
  • Click on the Maillist members tab
  • In Add new members, enter the 間眅埶AV email addresses of the authors to add, then click Add
  • Click Save Changes.