

Bahamas, 2011 and 2016

  • Thomas Kosciuch mapping the Hurricane Joaquin wrack line on San Salvador Island 

  • Dive buddies…

  • Dive buddies…

  • San Salvador Island, Bahamas

  • Pink overwash layers – storms or tsunamis?

  • Caliche deposits on San Salvador Island

  • Thomas Kosciuch collecting underwater surface samples

  • Assignment time! Not a bad classroom…

  • Assignment time! Not a bad classroom…

  • The Hurricane Joaquin deposit

  • San Salvador Island, Bahamas

  • San Salvador Island, Bahamas

  • Sampling cores at GERACE Research Centre

  • Sampling cores at GERACE Research Centre

Japan, 2012 to 2017

  • Jessica and colleagues from the Geological Survey of Japan taking cores in frozen Hokkaido

  • Coring through a frozen lake in Hokkaido, Japan

  • Coring through a frozen lake in Hokkaido, Japan

  • Wrapping up a successful day of coring in Hokkaido, Japan

  • Checking out tsunami deposits in Aomori, Japan

  • Field shenanigans

  • Shells deposited by the 2011 Tohoku tsunami on a beach in Aomori, Japan

  • Shells deposited by the 2011 Tohoku tsunami on a beach in Aomori, Japan

  • Rice paddies in Aomori Prefecture, Japan

  • Prepping foram samples at AIST

  • Coring in Chiba Prefecture, Japan

  • Coring in Chiba Prefecture, Japan

  • Coring in Chiba Prefecture, Japan

  • Coring in Chiba Prefecture, Japan

  • The mighty geoslicer

Oman, 2016

  • Anne Griffis mapping her thesis field site, Sur Lagoon

  • Thomas Kosciuch and Anne Griffis on a hike through Wadi Shab, Oman

  • Sampling the 1945 Makran tsunami deposit in Sur Lagoon

  • IGCP 639 field trip

  • Thomas presenting his work at the IGCP 639 workshop in Muscat, Oman

  • The entrance to Sur Lagoon

  • Local wildlife near our campsite in Fins, Oman

  • IGCP participants get a lecture on shell taphonomy and tsunami deposit preservation

  • Coach buses are not meant for off-roading!

  • Gorgeous hike through Wadi Shab, Oman

  • Anne presents her work on the tsunami history of Oman at IGCP 639 in Muscat

  • When in Oman, be aware of the goats

  • Coach buses are not meant for off-roading!

  • IGCP 639 field trip

  • The best campsite we could have asked for. Beachside camp at Fins, Oman during the 2016 supermoon!

Bohol, Philippines, 2014

  • In search of paleo-typhoon deposits in Bohol, Philippines

  • Underwater coring in Bohol, Philippines

  • Davin Wallace underwater coring

  • Sunset over Bohol, Philippines

  • Local fauna, Bohol, Philippines

  • Bohol, Philippines

  • Bohol, Philippines

  • Sunset over Bohol, Philippines

  • Jessica and Eve taking a break from sampling to check out the local fauna

  • Eve and the mangroves, Bohol, Philippines

  • Surface sampling in Bohol, Philippines

  • Searching for a paleo-typhoon record

  • Davin Wallace and Ando Siringan discuss field strategy

Leyte/Samar, Philippines, 2014

  • Typhoon Haiyan wind damage in Marabut, Philippines

  • Typhoon Haiyan survivors! San Antonio, Philippines

  • The Typhoon Haiyan deposit preserved in rice paddy soils in the Philippines

  • Typhoon Haiyan damage on Leyte Island, Philippines

  • Typhoon Haiyan damage near Tacloban, Philippines

  • Tacloban City two months after Typhoon Haiyan made landfall

  • Beach erosion caused by Typhoon Haiyan in 2013

  • The Typhoon Haiyan recovery deposit at Tanauan, Philippines

New Zealand, 2017 (pt.1)

  • Thomas and Stephen getting ready to collect surface samples in Ahuriri Lagoon

  • Tim Tam Slams! It’s a Kiwi thing…

  • Classic beach platforms on the Mahia Peninsula in New Zealand

  • Enjoying an amazing lunch with our Maori friends and colleagues in Wairoa, New Zealand

  • Turns out jumping electric fences is quite the ordeal!

  • Coring lagoons in Wairoa, New Zealand

  • USM Coastal Hazards Lab and Ursula Cochran from GNS Science

  • Taking a break from tsunami hunting to hug some sheep!

  • Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand

  • Thomas and Ursula meeting with city councilmen about site access

  • The Tongariro Alpine Crossing. Oh yes we did.

  • Stephen visits Mordor!

  • The Tongariro Alpine Crossing. Oh yes we did.

  • A beautiful day for surface sampling in Ahuriri Lagoon

  • “In a long, or strong earthquake, BE GONE!”

  • Happy students enjoying a rather spectacular view of Hawke’s Bay

  • Tsunami hunting success!

  • Landslide boulders, Wairarapa Coast, New Zealand

  • Local fauna on the Wairarapa Coast, New Zealand

  • Landslide boulders, Wairarapa Coast, New Zealand

New Zealand, 2017 (pt.2)

  • Thomas and Stephen perfect the art of appearing as though they are doing work…

  • Wairarapa Coast, New Zealand

  • Wairarapa Coast, New Zealand

  • A successful tsunami hunt!

  • Is that a tsunami wave?!

Vanuatu, 2015

  • Hermann Fritz interviews Tropical Cyclone Pam survivors to better understand storm hazards facing the South Pacific Islands

  • Jessica Pilarczyk teaching local school children about the sedimentological implications of tropical cyclones

  • Thomas and Isabel collecting modern surface samples from Undine Bay, Vanuatu

  • Vanuatu locals showing our team the escape route and shelter they used during TC Pam

  • Undine Bay rests as the team packs the car and stains surface samples with Rose Bengal after twelve hours of collection

  • Hermann Fritz measures storm surge on Tanna Island while Thomas Kosciuch and Isabel hong discuss the various types of pumice found throughout the wrack line

  • Isabel on top of Mount Yasur, Tanna Island, Vanuatu

  • On top of Mt. Yasur, Tanna Island, Vanuatu

  • The daily commute through rural Tanna Island

Coastal Hazards Research Lab
Department of Earth Sciences
Burnaby, BC Canada