University of Ottawa
The University of Ottawa is the largest bilingual (English-French) university in the world. Located at the heart of Canada’s capital, we have ready access to the great institutions of our country. Our advances in social sciences, health, engineering, science and the humanities make uOttawa a unique place to learn, grow and excel.
Participants and sponsors
Aline Germain-Rutherford
Vice-Provost, Academic Affairs
Aline Germain-Rutherford, PhD, is Vice-Provost, Academic Affairs, at the University of Ottawa and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education. Dr. Germain-Rutherford holds a doctorate in Didactologie et Didactique of Second Languages and Cultures from the Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III) and is the author of numerous publications on faculty development, second language pedagogy, speech technology and the integration of sound pedagogy in e-learning practices. She led several national and international research initiatives in pedagogy for higher education and on the development of online environments inclusive of all cultural diversities.
Dr. Germain-Rutherford has been a keynote speaker and a visiting professor in Africa, North America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. She is a recipient of the 3M National Teaching Fellow Award, a Canadian Award that recognizes excellence in teaching and leadership in higher education.
Blair Jackson
Director, Institutional Research and Planning
Blair Jackson is the Director of Institutional Research and Planning at uOttawa. He hold a Master of Arts in Integrated Studies, with a concentration in Work, Organizations & Leadership. He also received a Credentialed Evaluator designation with the Canadian Evaluation Society and has fifteen years of experience in applied social research with specific concentrations in performance measurement, program evaluation, institutional research, and community-based studies. He is currently the Chair of the Data Exchange group for U15 Universities. Blair’s passion for performance measurement does not end in the generation of results, but extends through the process of communicating meaningful results to diverse audiences including senior management in government, academia, and industry, as well as to the general public.