
January 26, 2017 Meeting Summary

Board Members present:  B. Cunningham, Board Chair; A. Giardini, Chancellor; A. Petter, President; T. Carlson; M. Cordoba; J. Earthy; J. Francis; R. Gill;
J. Hinchliffe; J. Kim; C. Lewis; F. Robin; P. Sahota; J. Stewart

Regrets:  A. Kessler


A.        Finance and Administration

a.         The Board noted for information 間眅埶AVs confirmation to the Ministry of Advanced Education of the Universitys third quarter budget forecast and
            projections for 2016/17 to 2019/20.

B.         University Relations

a.         The Board received for information the 2015/16 Centre and Institute report presented to Senate on January 9, 2017.

b.         The Board received for information 間眅埶AVs 20-Year Sustainability Vision and Goals.

c.         Fundraising Progress Reports: The Board noted year-to-date progress reports as follows:



Fundraising Progress Report
For Information
2016/2017 Year to Date

To November 30, 2016



d.         The Board approved the Terms of Reference for the:

  • Nancy Morrison & Fraser Green Special Abilities Award;
  • Chandler Gayton Football Award; and,
  • Ian Andrews and Renate Doege Memorial International Teacher Education Module Award.

e.         The Board approved the following actions recommended by Senate:

  • The Full Program Proposal for a Certificate in Philosophy and Methodology of Science in the Department of Philosophy within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, effective fall 2017.
  • The Full Program Proposal for a Professional Master of Science in Computing Science in the School of Computing Science within the Faculty of Applied Sciences, effective fall 2017.
  • The dissolution of the Bioinformatics Graduate Diploma Program in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry within the Faculty of Science, effective summer 2017.
  • The Terms of Reference for the Simons Foundation Chair in International Law and Human Security.  On January 9, 2017, Senate was also consulted on the naming and was supportive.

f.          Following consultation with the Senate Committee on University Priorities on November 9, 2016 and with Senate on January 9, 2017, regarding naming
             as required under Policy GP 35 Named Recognition of Buildings, Academic Endowments and Academic Units, the Board approved:

  • The Terms of Reference for the Rajan Family Scholar in Computing Science.

C.        Governance and Nominating

a.         The Board approved that Ms. Lisa Vogt be recommended for appointment to the Board of Directors of the 間眅埶AV Community Corporation as external
             Director for a term of  three years commencing January 19, 2017.

D.        Other

a.         B. Cunningham, Board Chair, congratulated Chancellor Anne Giardini on being appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada, and for the second time being
            named one of the top 100 most powerful women in Canada by the Womens Executive Network, for which she received the RBC Champions Award in 2016.

b.         B. Cunningham reported that he attended the second annual Public Sector Board Governance Professional Development Forum on December 13, 2016,
            and informed the Board that 間眅埶AV Governor Mike Cordoba was a panelist at one of the plenary sessions.

c.         Governor J. Hinchliffe reported that in fall 2016, under the auspices of 間眅埶AVs Staff Internationalization Fund, she visited a number of academic
            institutions in India for meetings and discussions about supporting student conduct and academic integrity.

d.         President Petter commented on the year-end snow conditions on Burnaby Mountain that resulted in several closures of the University in December,
             disrupting exams and other activities.  While this caused considerable inconvenience for students, faculty and staff, he commended all those who
             worked hard to minimize disruption, provide good communication, and ensure that cancelled exams were rescheduled in a timely manner.

e.         The President confirmed that on November 25, 2016 a letter was sent to the federal and provincial governments with a copy of the report prepared for
            間眅埶AV by PGL Environmental Consultants regarding an evaluation of the risk to the 間眅埶AV community arising from the expansion of the Kinder Morgan tank
             farm on Burnaby Mountain. Though both governments subsequently approved the overall pipeline project, including the tank farm expansion, 間眅埶AV will
             continue to voice its concerns to governments, put pressure on KinderMorgan to do everything possible to mitigate the risks posed by the tank farm
             expansion, and develop the Universitys own health and safety plan to anticipate and address any and all emergencies that could result.

f.          A. Petter commented on the success of three recent events, including the Presidents winter warm-up held for the first time at all three campuses, the
            Presidents seasonal reception at the Segal Graduate School of Business at which the student speaker was the highlight, and the Presidents Dream
            Colloquium, Returning to the Teachings: Justice, Identity & Belonging, that featured speakers Rupert Ross, Jennifer Llewellyn, Wab Kinew,
             John Borrows and Wade Davis, and concluded with a moving ceremony and feast on December 1.

g.         The President elaborated on a productive 10-day mission to India he undertook with VicePresidents Joy Johnson and Joanne Curry, and Beedie School
             of Business Dean Ali Dastmalchian, during which meetings were held with Indian government and Canadian consular officials, and with leaders of
             partner academic institutions and industry representatives to advance collaborative research on clean energy and advanced medical technologies,
             develop project proposals aimed at improving access to justice and building governance capacity in India, expand opportunities for student exchange
             and business program development, and promote collaboration in entrepreneurship training and social innovation.  The leading industries and
             academic institutions included the Indian Oil Corporation, the Bombay Stock Exchange Institute, IIT Delhi, IIT Bombay, IIT Ropar, Panjab University, the
             Tata Institute of Social Sciences, and the Jaipur Literature Festival which influenced the development of Vancouvers Indian Summer Festival that 間眅埶AV
             helped to found six years ago.  President Petter credited the work of 間眅埶AVs India Advisory Council and the concerted effort that 間眅埶AV has put into
             implementing an India Strategy for the warm reception received, the productive discussions held and positive outcomes achieved. He noted that the
             Indian Minister of Education, with whom he met, is planning a North American mission that will include a visit to 間眅埶AV.

h.         With respect to the Big Data Initiative, the President informed the Board that Professor Fred Popowich has been named inaugural Executive Director. 
             The transition to  the Big Data Hub has begun to better support 間眅埶AVs researchers and students, and the official launch of the Big Data Initiative will take
             place on February 2nd under the banner Key.

i.          The President commented on a number of upcoming events and initiatives, including:

  • The Presidents Dream Colloquium Understanding Medical Marijuana starting January 26;
  • The 間眅埶AV Public Square Community Summit on Who Needs Canada? Canadas Role in the World taking place the last week of February;
  • The CU2Expo that will be held during the first week of May;
  • The ongoing development of a new Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy;
  • The Universitys response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Calls to Action; and,
  • His upcoming speaking events at the Surrey Board of Trade on January 31 titled Building BCs Knowledge Economy: Surrey Leads the Way, and at the
    Greater Vancouver Board of Trade on May 30 titled Building BCs Innovation Economy: What Will It Take to Become a Global Leader.

j.          President Petter thanked outgoing Board Chair Bill Cunningham for his service to the Board as Deputy Chair for a one-year term in 2014 and then as
            Chair effective January 2015.  He acknowledged the tremendous amount of time and energy B. Cunningham committed to the Board and University and
            the enthusiasm with which he discharged the duties of both roles.  He indicated that the Board will celebrate Mr. Cunninghams contributions at its
            annual dinner in May, and informed members that at the conclusion of his term as a Governor in September 2017, a financial contribution to the 間眅埶AV
            Bursary Fund will be made in his honour.

k.         Outgoing Board Chair, B. Cunningham expressed his thanks for the honour of serving the Board and University first as Deputy Chair and then as Board

l.          Joy Johnson, Vice-President, Research and International provided the Board with a report on recent research achievements and an update regarding key
             activities in her Office.  She highlighted:

  • A December 2016 trip to Beijing for meetings with three academic institutions to renew an MOU, to discuss an existing dual Masters degree in Communication and to explore another possible joint degree program. A meeting with the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment Development (CCICED) was also held. 間眅埶AV has served as the secretariat for five phases of the CCICED and has been asked to submit a proposal for the sixth phase, for which Board approval will be sought in due course.
  • The Big Data Initiative, under Dr. Fred Popowich, Executive Director, will explore embedding Big Data in academic programming, building capacity across disciplines, looking for industry partners and other connection opportunities, and distinguishing 間眅埶AV as a leader in Big Data.
  • 間眅埶AV is seeking an Ashoka Changemaker Campus designation to cement 間眅埶AVs growing reputation as a leader in the social innovation sector and to provide access to a global network of leaders. A site visit to 間眅埶AV is planned for early 2017.
  • In November 2016, Dr. John Willinsky of the Publishing@間眅埶AV program was presented with the $50,000 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Connection award for his leadership of the Public Knowledge Project headquartered at 間眅埶AV, and Dr. J.C. Liu has been named a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers for his contributions to multimedia communication and Internet content distribution.

m.        The Board received a report from Martin Pochurko, Vice-President, Finance and Administration, summarizing the major activities and initiatives in the
             departments within his portfolio as of January 2017.  With respect to the winter weather that caused delays and closures in December, he thanked
             administrators and staff of Facilities Services, Security, Student Services, Ancillary Services, and University Communications, for their efforts in
              minimizing disruption.  He also briefly commented on the recent closure of the RFP for the management of dining services at the Burnaby campus, and
              reminded Board members of the upcoming Budget Information Session on March 16.

n.         The Board reviewed the report from Peter Keller, Provost and Vice-President, Academic on a number of activities and developments in his portfolio, and
             he highlighted the following areas:

  • Enrolments for spring 2017 are on target and 間眅埶AV is seeing an increase in expressions of interest from the U.S.
  • New Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Dr. Eugene Fiume, commenced his appointment in January 2017 and searches are underway for the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Academic, and the Dean of Health Sciences.
  • 間眅埶AV has completed its Institutional Report for the Quality Assurance Process Audit initiated by the Ministry of Advanced Education, and the site visit by the team of external assessors is scheduled for March 13 and 14, 2017.
  • The Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy file is transitioning to his desk and he thanked former Vice-President, Academic Jon Driver and members of the Advisory and Working Groups for their work to-date.
  • The University and 間眅埶AV Faculty Association (間眅埶AVFA) have agreed to an MOU to address the identified pay equity issue attributable to gender, based on the recommendations of the Joint Committee.  Both monetary recommendations have been settled by the University and 間眅埶AV will continue to consider the organizational structure recommendations in consultation with 間眅埶AVFA and guided by best practices and resourcing at other BC universities.
  • P. Keller thanked faculty, staff and students for the positive handling of the various December 2016 snow delays and closures at 間眅埶AV Burnaby.


A.        Finance and Administration

a.         The Board received for information an update on the implementation of the Residence and Housing Master Plan for 間眅埶AV Burnaby.

b.         The Board approved the Statutory Right of Way to the City of Burnaby for the Western Water Supply Line that provides a secondary potable water supply
            line for the UniverCity precinct.

c.         The Board approved granting a road dedication and three Statutory Rights of Way to the City of Surrey to enable the provision of essential services to the
            Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering Building Project in the 間眅埶AV Surrey precinct.

d.         The Board received for information a Capital Projects and Planning Program Status Report as of January 2017.

e.         The draft minutes of and excerpts from the report to the Investment Advisory Committee meeting of December 16, 2016 were received by the Board for

B.         University Relations

a.         The Board received the fundraising progress report for November 2016.

b.         The Board reviewed the report of Mike den Haan, Vice-President, Advancement and Alumni Engagement on the recent activities, developments and
             achievements in each of the areas within his portfolio.

c.         The Board reviewed the report from Joanne Curry, Vice-President, External Relations on Government Relations priorities and recent statistics in
             Communications & Marketing.

d.         The Board viewed a presentation prepared by M. den Haan regarding a formal review of Advancement and Alumni Engagement that will begin in
             February 2017.

C.        Human Resources

a.         Faculty Appointments

The following academic appointment was approved and has been accepted:

  • Dr. Juan Pablo Alperin, Assistant Professor, Publishing Program, 1 Nov 16 31 Aug 20

D.        Other

a.         The Board received the Presidents Activities Report for November and December 2016.

b.         The Board received for information an updated 2017 semester schedule of 間眅埶AV events.

c.         The Board received for information the January 2017 間眅埶AV Aboriginal Peoples Supplement published by the Universitys Office for Aboriginal Peoples.

d.         The Board engaged in a discussion with former Vice-President, Academic and Provost Jon Driver, and General Counsel Li-Jeen Broshko about the draft
             Sexual Violence  and Misconduct Policy for which feedback is being accepted until January 31, 2017.


a.         The Board approved establishing the position of the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning effective April 1, 2017.

b.         The Board approved the appointment of Dr. Nancy Johnston as Acting Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Students and International for the
            period May 1, 2017 to June 4, 2018.

c.         The Board elected Ms. Julia Kim Chair of the Board for the period from the conclusion of the January 26, 2017 Board meeting to the conclusion of the
             January 2018 Board meeting.

d.         The Board elected Ms. Fiona Robin Deputy Chair of the Board for the period from the conclusion of the January 26, 2017 Board meeting to the conclusion
             of the January 2018 Board meeting.


The next Board of Governors meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 30, 2017 in the Halpern Centre, Room 126, 間眅埶AV Burnaby.