
March 24, 2016 Meeting Summary

Board Members present: B. Cunningham, Board Chair; A. Giardini, Chancellor; A. Petter, President; D. Azevedo; M. Cordoba; J. Earthy; J. Francis; J. Hinchliffe; J. Kim; C. Lewis; K. McDougall; F. Robin; P. Ruben

Regrets:  D. Poole; P. Sahota


A.        Finance and Administration

a.         The Board approved the Universitys 2016-2017 Operating Budget and Financial Plan, including tuition fees for
            undergraduate and graduate programs, and Student Services and Recreation-Athletics fees.

B.         University Relations

a.         The Board approved the following action recommended by Senate on March 7, 2016:

  • The 2016/2017 Enrollment Plan attached as Appendix A to the document titled For SENATE March 2, 2015, and 2016/2017 domestic and international undergraduate admission targets to each Faculty, by semester and basis of  admission category as indicated in Tables C1 and C2 respectively of Appendix C (Senate Paper S.16-22).

b.         Fundraising Progress Reports: The Board noted year-to-date progress reports as follows:


Fundraising Progress Report
For Information
2015/2016 Year to Date

To January 31, 2016


To February 29, 2016


c.         The Board approved the Terms of Reference for the:

  • Patricia Gallaugher Award in Coastal Science and Management;
  • Anne Giardini Endowment supporting the Anne Giardini Undergraduate Bursary;
  • Vancouver International Airport Annual Eagle Feather Entrance Award;
  • Anthony Beyrouti Endowment for Womens Basketball;
  • Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan Endowment;
  • John and Leanne Rooney Endowed Graduate Entrance Scholarship; and,
  • BCAK Craig Asmundson Undergraduate Bursary in Kinesiology.
  • John Koolman Memorial Graduate Award in Environment;
  • Secure Capital Management Scholarship in Acoustic Communication;
  • Bob Johnson Graduate Bursary in Business Administration;
  • Kaiser Foundation for Higher Education Graduate Scholarships;
  • Peak Undergraduate Bursary Endowment;
  • Brinkman Forest Ltd. Award in Aboriginal Business and Leadership; and
  • W.B. Choo Endowment Fund supporting the W.B. Choo Undergraduate Bursary.

C.        Governance and Nominating

a.         The Board approved the appointment of Mr. Harjot Guram as Interim Trustee of the Pension Plan for Members of the
             Academic Staff as University representative from January 1, 2016 for an indefinite term until the new position of 間眅埶AV
             Associate Vice-President, Human Resources (AVPHR) is filled, at which time approval will be sought to appoint the new
             AVPHR as University representative.

b.         The Board recommended Dr. Joanne Curry for appointment to the Board of Directors of the 間眅埶AV Community Corporation
             as Senior Officer of 間眅埶AV, effective March 17, 2016, for the duration of her appointment as the
             Universitys Vice-President, External Relations.

c.         The Board recommended Mr. Brian Taylor for re-appointment to the Board of Directors of the 間眅埶AV Community
            Corporation as External Director for a term of two years commencing March 25, 2016.

d.         The Board recommended Mr. Martin Pochurko for appointment to the Board of Directors of the 間眅埶AV Initiatives
             Corporation, effective March 17, 2016, for the duration of his appointment as the Universitys Vice-President,
             Finance and Administration.

e.         The Board approved minor revisions to page one of its self-evaluation instrument for 2016.

D.        Human Resources Committee

a.         The Board approved the 2016/2017 Faculty Renewal Plan.

E.         Other

a.         Board Chair Bill Cunningham congratulated Board member Jill Earthy on recently being named one of the provinces
            35 most influential women by BC Business Magazine.  The award recognizes women who are not only leaders among
            men, but are shaking up the status quo by using their positions to make meaningful societal and institutional change
            to solve problems.

b.         The Board Chair welcomed Dr. Joanne Curry, attending her first Board meeting since being appointed Vice-President,
             External Relations.

c.         The Board Chair informed the Board that he and Martin Pochurko, Vice-President, Finance and Administration will
            informally meet with two student members of 間眅埶AV350 on April 5, 2016 to discuss 間眅埶AV350s ideas about the Universitys
            divestment policy development process.

d.         Bill Cunningham announced that the student group 間眅埶AV350 extended an invitation to Board members to attend an event
             on the topic of climate change, responsible investment, divestment and sustainability, to be held on Wednesday, March 30,
            2016 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the AQ North Concourse of 間眅埶AV Burnaby.

e.         The Board Chair reported that he attended the 2016 Athletic Awards Banquet on March 22, 2016 at which time student
            athletes Ellen Kett and Jordan Herdman were named the Lorne Davies Athletes of the Year and a number of other
            outstanding student athletes were honoured.

f.          Board member Jill Earthy informed the Board that she was a guest judge at the sixth annual Opportunity Fest hosted by
             the Beedie School of Business at 間眅埶AV Surrey on March 22, 2016. The event showcased innovative products, solutions
             and projects, product prototypes, and business plans developed by teams of secondary and post-secondary student
             innovators and entrepreneurs.

g.         President Petter reported on a mission that he and Vice-President, Research Joy Johnson led to Hong Kong and India to
             strengthen research, innovation and educational relationships, and to open doors to new collaborations. He highlighted
             a number of key meetings and visits that are aligned with 間眅埶AVs international engagement strategy and 間眅埶AV Innovates,
             including meetings with: 1) representatives of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Hong Kong
             Baptist University to explore proposals for additional program collaborations; 2) the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) in
             New Delhi to review joint efforts to advance hydrogen fuel cell research and education, and to strengthen the 間眅埶AV-IOC
             PhD Mobility Agreement; 3) the Bombay Stock Exchange Institute (BSEI), the Mumbai-based business technology
             accelerator in which 間眅埶AV is partnered with BSEI and Ryerson University, to open expanded space for Zone Startups;
             4) IIT Bombay to discuss strengthening research partnerships and student exchanges in areas such as medical
              technologies and clean energy; and 5) the Tata Institute of Social Sciences to explore areas for faculty collaborations
              in land use planning and access to justice.  The President informed Board members that while in India he spoke at an
              international seminar on Social Responsibility in Higher Education sponsored by the Society for Participatory Research
              in Asia (PRIA).

h.         The President informed the Board that meetings with provincial MLAs and Ministers are taking place to advocate for
             the 間眅埶AV Surrey expansion proposal.

i.          President Petter reported on a number of meetings that have been held with federal MPs and Ministers to promote 間眅埶AVs
            strengths and interests in research, innovation and infrastructure.  These included meetings with Science Minister
            Kirsty Duncan in Ottawa and at 間眅埶AV, Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi at 間眅埶AV Surrey, and Innovation, Science and
            Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains who met with Aboriginal MBA students and graduates from the Beedie
            School of Business.

j.          The President noted that successful Alumni Receptions were recently held in Victoria and Seattle.

k.         The President reported that the 2015 Outstanding Alumni Awards Reception took place on March 3, 2016 at which 間眅埶AV
             alumni Margaret Trudeau, David Mark, Zabeen Hirji, Jennifer Gardy and David Fong were honoured.  The event drew
             over 400 attendees, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

l.          President Petter noted the success of the Presidents Dream Colloquium on Engaging Big Data, and reported that a special
            public presentation with Edward Snowden participating via video link will be held on April 5, 2016 at the Queen Elizabeth
            Theatre in Vancouver.

m.        A. Petter commented on several 間眅埶AV Public Lectures recently held. In particular, he noted that Justice Minister
             Jody WilsonRaybould and Chancellor Anne Giardini each participated in the School of Public Policys speaker series
            Being the Change: Women, Policy and Making a Difference on January 23 and March 15, 2016 respectively.

n.         The President reported that the 間眅埶AV Woodwards Cultural Programs at the Goldcorp Centre for the Arts hosted
             Robert LePages 887 at sold-out performances between February 11 and 21, 2016.

o.         President Petter informed the Board that a number of successful University events have recently taken place, including
             the 間眅埶AV 2015 Awards Dinner on March 9, 2016, the Annual 間眅埶AV Retirees Association Ides of March Reception and
             launch of the book Remembering 間眅埶AV on March 15, 2016, and an event celebrating Renaissance Coffees 20 years of
             business at 間眅埶AV Burnaby. Copies of Remembering 間眅埶AV were distributed to Board members.

p.         Andrew Petter announced that the Presidents Distinguished Community Leadership Award will be presented to
            Samuel and Frances Belzberg on May 5, 2016.

q.         The President informed the Board that eight Honorary Degrees will be conferred at the Spring Convocation Ceremonies
             in June 2016 and four during the Fall Convocation Ceremonies in October 2016.

r.          President Petter commented on some of the highlights of the Federal Budget 2016 with respect to the post-secondary
            education sector.  He particularly noted the following budget commitments: 1) $2 billion over three years to a new
            Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund that has been positioned as a matching fund with the provinces;
            2) $95 million per year to the budgets of the research granting councils starting in 2016-17; 3) $800 million over four
            years to strengthen innovation networks as part of the governments Innovation Agenda; and, 4) $73 million over four
            years to expand opportunities for student co-ops, internships and other work experience under a Post-Secondary
            Industry Partnership and Cooperative Placement Initiative to be launched in 2016.

s.          Joy Johnson, Vice-President, Research provided the Board with a report on recent research achievements and an update
             regarding key activities in her Office.

t.          The Board received a report from Martin Pochurko, Vice-President, Finance and Administration, summarizing the major
             activities and initiatives in the departments within his portfolio as of March 2016.  He informed the Board that an
             Executive and Compensation Committee meeting will be arranged in April to consider approval of the award of a contract
             for the Student Union Building.

u.         The Board reviewed the report from Jon Driver, Vice-President, Academic on a number of activities and developments in
             the areas within his portfolio. Attached to his report was a copy of the Graduate Student Exit Survey that provided the
             results of recent surveys of students who have completed masters and doctoral programs at 間眅埶AV.


A.        Finance and Administration

a.         The Board approved the award of the contract for the demolition of the Louis Riel House project to Quantum Murray LP.

b.         The Board approved the award of the general construction contract for the Water Tower Building Data Centre project to
             Magil Construction Pacific Inc.

B.         University Relations

a.         The Board received fundraising progress reports for January and February 2016.

b.         The Board reviewed the report of Cathy Daminato, Vice-President, Advancement and Alumni Engagement on the recent
             activities, developments and achievements in each of the areas within her portfolio.

c.         The Board reviewed the report from Joanne Curry, Vice-President, External Relations on key issues in Government
            Relations and Communications & Marketing.

C.        Human Resources

a.         Faculty Appointments

The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:

  • Dr. Jiguo Cao, Statistics and Actuarial Science, appointed Tier II Canada Research Chair in Data Science, 1 Sep 15 31 Aug 20
  • Dr. Kelley Lee, Health Sciences, appointed Tier I Canada Research Chair in Global Health Governance, 1 Oct 15 30 Sep 22
  • Dr. Roger Linington, Chemistry, appointed Tier II Canada Research Chair in Chemical Biology HighThroughput Screening,
    1 Jul 15 30 Jun 20
  • Dr. John McDonald, Psychology, appointed Tier I Canada Research Chair in Cognitive and Neuroscience, 1 Oct 15 30 Sep 22
  • Dr. Marlene Moretti, Psychology, appointed Tier I Canada Research Chair in Youth Clinical Psychological Science,
    1 Oct 15 30 Sep 20
  • Dr. Stephanie Simmons, Physics, appointed Tier II Canada Research Chair in Quantum Nanoelectronics, 1 Oct 15 30 Sep 20
  • Dr. David Sivak, Physics, appointed Tier II Canada Research Chair in Nonequilibrium Statistical Biophysics,
    1 May 16 30 Apr 21
  • Dr. Eileen van der Flier-Keller, Professor with tenure, Earth Sciences, 1 Jul 16
  • Dr. Michael Richards, Professor with tenure, Archaeology, 1 Jul 16
  • Dr. Bernhard Rabus, Professor with tenure, Engineering Science, 15 Mar 16 and NSERC/MDA Industrial Research Chair in Advanced Satellite SAR Technologies, Techniques and Applications, 15 Mar 16 14 Mar 21
  • Dr. Peter Ruben, Burnaby Mountain University Professor, Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology, 1 May 16 30 Apr 21
  • Dr. Masahiro Minami, Assistant Professor, Education, 1 July 16 31 Aug 20
  • Dr. Hendrik Wolff, Associate Professor with tenure, Economics, 1 Apr 16

b.         Administrative Appointments

            The Board approved:

  • Dr. Yvonne Tabin, Dean (pro tem), 間眅埶AV Learning, 29 Feb 16 30 Jun 17

c.         Other

            The Board approved:

  • A transfer of appointment from the School of Communication to the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Womens Studies, effective1 Jan 16

D.        Other

a.         The Board received the Presidents Activities Report for January and February 2016.

b.         The Board engaged in a preliminary discussion around Board governance.

c.         The Board engaged in a discussion around a sexual violence policy.


a.         Other matters were discussed.

The next Board of Governors meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 26, 2016 in the Halpern Centre, Room 126, 間眅埶AV Burnaby.