
January 27, 2011 Meeting Summary

Board Members present:  M. Francis, Chair; A. Petter, President; A. Barton; L. Brown-Ganzert; A. Dhillon; B. Elton; A. Giardini; N. MacKay; J. McPhee; G. Myers; R. Patel; P. Percival; B. Taylor

Regrets:  B. Louie, P. Dhillon


A.        Finance and Administration

  1. Fundraising Progress Reports: The Board noted year-to-date progress reports as follows:


Fundraising Progress Reports

 For Information

2010/2011 Year to Date

To November 30, 2010


To December 31, 2010


b.         The Board approved Terms of Reference for the:

  • University Women’s Club of Vancouver Netta Agnew Award;
  • Consular Corps of BC Graduate Entrance Scholarship in International Relations.
  • The Board noted for information ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s confirmation to the Ministry of Science and Universities of the University’s third quarter budget forecast and projections for
    2010/11 to 2013/14.

  • The Board noted for information the Year-to-Date Budget to Actual Variance Report as of November 30, 2010.

  • The Board approved the William J.A. Rowe EMBA Alumni Endowment Fund supporting the William J.A. Rowe Alumni Professorship Terms of Reference.

B.         Academic Operations

a.         The Board approved the following actions recommended by Senate:

  • The Full Program Proposal for a Minor in Print and Digital Publishing in the Publishing Program within the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology effective
    September 2011;
  • The Full Program Proposal for a Double Degree in Engineering Science (Mechatronics) and Business Administration within the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Faculty of Business Administration effective September 2011;
  • The Full Program Proposal for a Minor in Development and Sustainability in the Development and Sustainability Program within the Faculty of Environment effective September 2011.
  1. The Board received the 2009/10 Centres and Institutes Report for information.
  2. The Board received for information the External Reviews of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and the School of Engineering Science and was provided with the links to access the Action Plans for each on Senate’s web site.
  3. The Board was provided with the links to Senate’s web site for the Annual Reports of the Senate Committee on Continuing Studies, the Senate Library Committee, Research Ethics Board, Student Discipline Matters, and the Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries.

Other matters dealt with by Senate on December 6, 2010 and January 10, 2011 were noted.

C.        External Relations

  1. The Board discussed the update from the President on progress toward development of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Strategic Vision. The official website launch of envision>¶¡ÏãÔ°AV will take place on February 10, 2011.

D.        Other

  1. The Board heard an update from President Petter on recent internal and external meetings and activities in which he has been engaged.
  2. The Chair reported that Board member Anne Giardini has been re-appointed by Order-in-Council to three-year term ending January 15, 2014.
  3. In noting that Peter Dhillon’s Order-in-Council term ends on February 11, 2011, the Chair expressed the Board’s thanks for his contributions to the work of the Board as a Member and in his capacity as Chair of the Governance Committee.
  4. The Board received a report from the Vice-President, Research on research-related matters and notable achievements, and was informed that the Vancouver Sun had recently profiled the nanotechnology research of Professor Bozena Kaminska and Applied Sciences grad Clint Landrock to create anti-counterfeiting features for banknotes.
  5. The Board received an update from the Vice-President, Academic on the promotion of innovation in teaching and learning, cultural programs at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Woodward’s, the re‑naming of the position of Dean of Continuing Studies to Dean of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Learning, and various academic-related successes and distinctions.


A.        Finance and Administration

  1. The Board received fundraising progress reports for November and December 2010.
  2. The Board received for information a Capital Projects and Planning Program Status Report as of January 1, 2011.
  3. The Board approved in principle, a plan for the eventual replacement of the existing central heating plant at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Burnaby.
  4. The Board was informed that the fundraising goal for fiscal year 2010/11 has been exceeded.

B.         Academic Operations

a.         Faculty Appointments

The following academic appointment was approved and has been accepted:

  1. Dr. Arrvindh Shriraman, Assistant Professor, Computing Science, 1 Jan 11 – 31 Aug 14

b.         Other

            The Board approved:

  1. An early retirement, Department of Linguistics, effective 31 Dec 11
  2. A modified appointment, School for the Contemporary Arts and Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, 1 Sep 11 – 31 Aug 13
  3. Extension of a modified appointment, Department of History, 1 Sep 10 – 31 Aug 13
  4. Transfer of a joint appointment in Departments of History and Geography to Department of History, effective 1 Sep 10
  5. Extension of a modified appointment, Department of Economics, 1 May 11 – 30 Apr 12
  6. Extension of a modified appointment, Department of Economics, 1 Sep 11 – 31 Aug 12
  7. Transfer from Explorations Program, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, to School of Resource and Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment, effective 1 Sep 11

C.        External Relations

  1. The Board received for information an update on Government Relations matters.
  2. Other matters were discussed.

D.        Employee Relations Committee

  1. The Board received the annual report of the Employee Relations Committee for information.

E.         Other

  1. The Board received for information the President’s Activity Report for November and December 2010.
  2. To further inform ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s strategic visioning process, the President provided each Board member with a copy of Good to Great and the Social Sectors, a monograph to accompany the publication Good to Great by Jim Collins.

Other matters were discussed.


  1. The Board elected Mr. Bob Elton Chair of the Board and Mr. Brian Taylor Deputy Chair of the Board, for a 12-month period effective January 28, 2011.

    The next Board of Governors meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 24, 2011 in the Halpern Centre, Room 126, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Burnaby.

    The Board discussed the update from the President on progress toward development of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Strategic Vision. The official website launch of envision>¶¡ÏãÔ°AV will take place on February 10, 2011.

In the place where innovative education, cutting-edge research and community outreach intersect, you'll find ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Our ? To be Canada's leading engaged university.

Born in 1965, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV has become Canada's leading comprehensive university with vibrant campuses in British Columbia's largest municipalities — VancouverBurnaby and Surrey â€” and deep roots in partner communities throughout the province and around the world.