
January 27, 2005 Meeting Summary

Open Session

Ms. Lynn Copeland, University Librarian, gave a presentation to the Board on the Librarys Three Year Plan from 2005 to 2007.

A. Finance and Administration

  1. The Board approved the appointment of Leo Eutsler as a Trustee of the Administrative/Union Pension Plan Trustee Board representing the Poly Party for the period December 1, 2004 to November 30, 2007.
  2. The Board approved that the official names of the 間眅埶AV campuses will be: 間眅埶AV for the main campus on Burnaby Mountain, 間眅埶AV Vancouver to encompass activities in downtown Vancouver and 間眅埶AV Surrey for the Surrey Campus. Determining a common visual identity for the three campuses will soon be undertaken.
  3. The Board approved new Policy GP 35 Named Recognition of Buildings, Academic Endowments and Academic Units.

  4. The Board received for information the Financial Year-To Date Position as at November 30, 2004.
  5. The Board received the schedule of 2004/2006 Budget Consultations for information and a copy of the presentation being used by the Vice-President, Finance and Administration in these discussions.

  6. Donations: the Board approved terms of reference and noted donations to new and existing funds, as follows:
Supplementary for October 2004 $1,000,000.00 -------------
November 2004 $84,000.00 $$2,486,208.83
B. Academic Operations

  1. The Board approved the terms of reference of the Tom Buell BC Leadership Chair in Salmon Conservation and Management.
  2. The Board approved the proposal to establish Interdisciplinary Research in the Mathematical Sciences (IRMACS) as a Schedule B Centre.
  3. The Board approved the establishment of the MA, MSc, and PhD programs in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology.
  4. The Board noted that Senate dealt with a number of curriculum and program issues at its meeting of January 10, 2005, including the 間眅埶AV Program at Kamloops, the new Senate Committee on Academic Integrity in Student Learning and Evaluation (SCAISLE), and the Guaranteed 間眅埶AV Initiative.
  5. The Board noted that revisions to Academic Policy A 10.06, effective April 1, 2005, will be going to Senate for approval in March 2005 and will come to the Board for approval on March 31, 2005.
  6. The Board approved that Academic Policy A 13.05 be revised to reflect an increase to Chairs stipends effective April 1, 2005.
  7. The Board received for information 間眅埶AV Internationals Strategic Plan for the period July 2004 to June 2006.
  8. The Board approved the establishment of the PhD Program in Business Administration.
  9. The Board noted actions taken by Senate at its meeting of December 6, 2004.

C. Other

  1. The Board heard that 間眅埶AV held a memorial on January 14, 2005 for the victims of the December 26, 2004 South Asian/African Tsunami.
  2. The Board heard about a partnership between 間眅埶AV and UBC that will support the maintenance and ongoing development of open source publishing software.
  3. The Board received a report from W. Wattamaniuk, Analytical Studies, on the 紼硃釵梭梗硃紳s magazine annual university rankings.
Closed Session

A. Finance and Administration

  1. The Board approved that the Athletic Complex will be named The Lorne Davies Complex.
  2. The Board received an approved capital projects expenditure summary for information.
  3. The Board approved a revised cost estimate for the Gymnasium Expansion and the awarding of the construction contract to Dominion Fairmile Construction Ltd. The increase will be financed by proceeds anticipated from the UniverCity Community Trust, with any shortfall to be made up through fundraising from 間眅埶AVs 40th Anniversary Campaign. There will be no further impact to student fees.
  4. The Board heard that the University will comply with the Ministrys request that the Board Chair endorse 間眅埶AVs revised multi-year forecast for the period 2004/05 through 2007/08.

B. Academic Operations

  1. Faculty Appointments

    The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:

    Dr. Eleanor Stebner Assoc. Prof. with tenure & J.S. Woodsworth Chair in the Humanities Humanities 1 May 05 &1 May 05 30 Apr 15
    Dr. Ivan Bajic Assistant Professor Engineering Science 1 Jul 05 31 Aug 09
    Mr. Yasheng Chen Instructor Business Administration 1 Feb 05 31 Aug 08
  2. Other

    The Board approved three early retirements in the Library and in the Department of French, a modified appointment in the School of Computing Science, and a transfer of appointment from the Faculty of Business Administration to the Public Policy Program in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

  3. Administrative Appointment

    The Board approved the re-appointment of Dr. Jon Driver, Dean of Graduate Studies, for a three-year term commencing September 1, 2005.

C. Other
  1. The Board heard that the President had met with the Premier about issues facing 間眅埶AV.
  2. The Board was informed that $86 million has thus far been raised toward the $125 million goal of the 40th Anniversary Campaign.
  3. Other matters were discussed.
Confidential Session
  1. The Board approved the establishment of an Associate Vice-President, Students and International position, and the appointment of Dr. Nello Angerilli as Acting AVPSI for 18 months effective March 1, 2005.
  2. The Board elected Brandt C. Louie as Chair of the Board and Saida Rasul as Deputy Board Chair for the period January 28, 2005 to the end of the January 2006 Board meeting.
  3. The Board approved the re-appointment of Dr. John Waterhouse as Vice-President, Academic and Provost for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2005.
  4. The Board approved the re-appointment of Dr. Michael Stevenson for a second term as President of the University effective September 1, 2005.

The next Board of Governors Meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m. in Room 126 of the Halpern Centre, 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, on Thursday, March 31, 2005.

In the place where innovative education, cutting-edge research and community outreach intersect, you'll find 間眅埶AV. Our ? To be Canada's leading engaged university.

Born in 1965, 間眅埶AV has become Canada's leading comprehensive university with vibrant campuses in British Columbia's largest municipalities  VancouverBurnaby and Surrey  and deep roots in partner communities throughout the province and around the world.