

Black Caucus News

Advocacy at work: Black Caucus Steering Committee meets with MP Kayabaga

January 31, 2024
Left to right: Dr. June Francis, Yaye Balde, Tiara Cash, MP Arielle Kayabaga, Lauretta Umukoro, Hope Alica, and Emmanuel Adegboyega.

Early this year, members of the Black Caucus Steering Committee and SOCA representatives sat down with Member of Parliament Arielle Kayabaga.

MP Arielle Kayabaga met with members of the Black Caucus Steering Committee and SOCA representatives early this January at the Segal Graduate School of Business for a healthy discussion around Black community, Black spaces, inclusion, and representation.

Left to right: MP Arielle Kayabaga, Lauretta Umukoro, Hope Alica, Yaye Balde, Emmanuel Adegboyega, Tiara Cash, and Dr. June Francis. (Image Source: Instagram @iamaykay)

Much of the conversation focused around the critical need to consistently break barriers in order to create a norm of inclusion that is not only celebratory but has continuity. We strive to create a legacy so that those who come after us can feel welcomed into the spaces we have stepped in.

Continuing to carve this path is paramount at a time like this where we are seeing the  come to an end. Despite this news, MP Kayabaga, Black Caucus, and SOCA continue to talk about the ways in which we can combine our efforts to create more Black spaces and support our communities.

MP Kayabaga shared one of the ways the federal government is offering support is through the  which is currently in the works to become a permanent fixture.

The Steering Committee shared that Black Caucus has been advocating for more Black staff and faculty as well as the need for more Black spaces at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV - a shared sentiment with MP Kayabaga.

Black Caucus is looking forward to future conversations with government representatives to collaborate, discuss, and advocate for more ways we can support our community.
