
Graduate Student Caucus

About the BISC Grad Caucus

Our constitution is available .


The purpose of the Caucus is to discuss issues important to Biology grad students, including funding, space issues, and development on Burnaby Mountain. The Caucus is also responsible for planning social and educational events, including the BISC Grad Symposium and various socials, and for providing door prizes for the annual Departmental Holiday Party. In addition, the Caucus organizes an annual lottery to distribute Graduate Student Society Travel Grants for travel to conferences.


The Caucus meets monthly in the Biology Grad Lounge on the 7000-level of Biology


The Graduate Student Society provides the Caucus with $717 per semester to fund socials and other events and to buy supplies


Every grad student in Biology is a member of the Biology Grad Caucus

How to Find Us?

Visit the for additional details and contact information