
Directed Readings in Biology

BISC 888, BISC 889 & BISC 890

The workload expected in a Directed Readings course is normally 30-40 hours per credit.  It is understood that the majority of this time will be spent doing independent reading and preparing assignments, which can include written work (e.g., short or more extensive reviews) and oral presentations.  We encourage regular contact between students and their instructors through the semester, for example 1 hour per week for BISC 889 and 890, and 1 hour every other week for BISC 888.  Please keep these guidelines in mind when designing your Directed Readings course.

Enrolment Instructions:  complete and submit the Request For Registration In Directed Readings (a fillable PDF) according to the instructions.  A sample course outline is available here (PDF).  

Note:  You are allowed no more than 1 Directed Readings course with your senior supervisor as instructor