Work-Study opportunity records
Student Services
Records | Active retention (in office) | Semi-active (records centre) | Total retention | Final disposition |
Work-Study opportunity records | CFY +1 year | 2 years | CFY + 3 years | Destruction |
CY = Current calendar year; CFY = Current fiscal year; CS = Current semester; S/O = Superseded or obsolete; OPR = Office of Primary Responsibility; Non-OPR = All other departments.
Records relating to the administration of Work-Study financial aid to undergraduate and graduate students. As part of its function to award and administer financial aid and awards, Financial Aid and Awards determines and monitors student eligibility for Work-Study aid, approves student placements, administers payroll packages to ensure proper payments to students, monitors funding and work hours, charges departments for hours worked above the time specified in the project agreement, and administers payroll for certain smaller departments that lack access to the central payroll system.
Records may include, but are not limited to, the following records: declaration forms signed by project supervisors; signed student appointment forms and project placement letters; withdrawal reports of students whose enrolment falls below the required number of credits per term and termination of appointment correspondence; international student contract letters and/or work permits; payroll, budget, and differential foreign aid reports; overpayment reports and corresponding charges made to a department for hours worked above project agreement; biweekly payroll reports; correspondence; etc.
Electronic records may include, but are not limited to, the following records: email correspondence; records stored on shared drive; and project descriptions and student applications stored in databases and accessible through web applications. Student applications for Work-Study opportunities are input by the student into SIMS and remain on SIMS; project proposals are submitted by supervisors via an application called .NET and are maintained there. SIMS is not covered by this RRSDA.
See also:
These records are created, used, retained and managed in accordance with the following authorities:
The FOI / POP Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165, s. 31) requires that personal information used to make a decision that directly affects an individual must be retained for at least one year.
Section 6(1) of the Limitation Act (SBC 2012, c. 13) states that claim must not be commenced more than 2 years after the day on which the claim is discovered.
A total retention period of "CFY + 3 years" is sufficient to meet the administrative, legal, fiscal or audit needs of the university.
Work-Study opportunity records are retained by fiscal year, rather than academic year. Records are organized by document type (e.g. declaration forms, types of reports, etc.) and not by student or supervisor name. Files are closed at the end of the fiscal year.
Records creators should note that this RRSDA applies equally to paper and electronic records and that they are responsible for deleting any records maintained in electronic form at the expiration of the total retention period (e.g. PDF versions, spreadsheets, database records, e-mail correspondence, etc.). Maintaining electronic copies of records with personal information after the recommended retention period places an undue burden on the University to continue to guard against the unauthorized access, use, and disclosure.
Electronic applications, such as .NET, that are controlled by Financial Aid and Awards are also covered in this RRSDA. To delete electronic records, coordinate records disposition activities with IT or AT services for yearly maintenance of electronic project descriptions.
At the end of the active retention period (CFY+1 year), box and transfer the paper files to the University Records Centre (URC). For each box prepare a box contents listing, itemizing all files contained in the box. Always include ONE copy of the file list inside the box sent to the URC taped to the underside of the lid; keep ONE copy for your own records; and send ONE copy (paper or electronic) to the Archives (see Procedures for Transferring Records to the University Records Centre).
Section 25 of the Limitations Act provides that the basic limitation period of 2 years is suspended if the claimant becomes a person under a disability during the normal limitation period. The limitation period resumes when the claimant ceases to be a person under a disability. This non-routine case is handled in the same manner as files involved in litigation: they are placed on legal hold and will not be routinely destroyed.
If a student becomes a person under a disability during a Work-Study opportunity, records relating to the student's placement should be retained in the Financial Aid and Awards unit and should not be sent to the URC.
RRSDA is in force.
Approved by the University Archivist: 7 May 2014