Parking Management Records
Campus Security Department
Records | Active retention (in office) | Semi-active (records centre) | Total retention | Final disposition |
Parking Management Database accounts and associated electronic entries; Traffic Offence Notices (TONs) | CY account # becomes inactive or TON issued + 6 years | Nil | CY account # becomes inactive or TON issued + 6 years | Destruction |
Parking access card or permit loss forms; courtesy parking lists; reserved parking wait lists; retiree association parking privilege tracking sheets; and parking lot counts | S/O + 1 year | Nil | S/O + 1 year | Destruction |
CY = Current calendar year; CFY = Current fiscal year; CS = Current semester; S/O = Superseded or obsolete; OPR = Office of Primary Responsibility; Non-OPR = All other departments.
Records documenting administration, enforcement, and collection activities pertaining to parking on the Burnaby campus.
Records primarily consist of electronic entries maintained in a parking management database. The electronic entries are used to track the issuance and administration of parking permits (reserved, visitor, etc.), as well as enforcement and collection activities pertaining to Traffic Offence Notices (TONs). The primary key by which database entries are linked is an individual account number. All parking transactions related to an individual and/or their vehicle(s) are associated with a unique account number.
Records also include TONs, parking access card or permit loss forms, courtesy parking lists, reserved parking wait lists, retiree association parking privilege tracking sheets, and parking lot counts.
The parking management database is searchable by name and personal identifiers, and therefore constitutes a Personal Information Bank (PIB). See PIB description.
See also:
RRSDA 2009-007, Impound Files RRSDA 2009-008, Parking Appeals
This series is a Personal Information Bank; click here for PIB description.
These records are created, used, retained and managed in accordance with the following authorities:
The total retention period ("CY account # becomes inactive or TON issued + 6 years") recommended for the Parking Management Database entries and TONs, meets the administrative needs of the Campus Security Department, as well as its responsibilities under section 3(5) of the Limitation Act (RSBC 1996, c. 266), which states that any action not specifically provided for by this Act or any other Act may not be brought after the expiration of 6 years from the date on which the right to do so arose. The total retention period ("S/O + 1 year") recommended for the other parking management records included in this schedule, also meets the administrative needs of the Department and, for those records that include personal information, it meets the University's responsibilities under the FOI / POP Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165, s. 31), which requires that personal information used to make a decision that directly affects an individual must be retained for at least one year.
While arrangement may vary, files containing parking access card or permit loss forms, courtesy parking lists, reserved parking wait lists, retiree association parking privilege tracking sheets, or parking lot counts, should be retained by the calendar year in which they become superseded or obsolete. This will facilitate the identification of records due for destruction at the end of the total recommended retention period of "S/O + 1 year." Grouping TONs by the calendar year in which they were issued will also facilitate the application of the total recommended retention period of "CY TON issued + 6 years."
Original parking access card or permit loss forms are filed in the parking office. Convenience copies are submitted to the Traffic and Parking Enforcement Supervisor, as well as the visitor parkade booth to alert staff to watch for lost or stolen permits. Parking access card or permit loss forms become obsolete once cards or permits are replaced or originals located.
Courtesy parking lists (when faculty or staff inadvertently forget their valid permit) are S/O once the faculty or staff member reinstate their valid permit in their vehicle (generally the following day). Reserved parking wait lists are S/O once those named on lists are assigned a reserved parking spot. Retiree association parking privilege tracking sheets are running lists which are S/O once all or some of the entries are no longer valid. And, parking lot counts (semi-annual parking lot surveys) are superseded once a new count is conducted (typically each spring and fall).
At the end of the total retention period for Parking Management Database entries ("CY account # becomes inactive + 6 years"), account numbers and their associated entries should be deleted. If the data has value for the generation of longitudinal statistics, and it is to be retained longer than the retention period outlined in this schedule, the data should be anonymized. Maintaining personal information after the recommended retention period places an undue burden on the University to continue to guard against the unauthorized use or disclosure of that personal information in accordance with the FOI / POP Act and this records series' status as a PIB.
RRSDA is in force.
Approved by the University Archivist: 14 Aug 2009
Last revised: 16 December. 2009