
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Records Retention Schedule and Disposal Authority (RRSDA)
Retirees Case Files

Description | PIB | Authorities | Retentional rational | Rentention and filing guidelines | Status

RRSDA number


Record series

Retirees Case Files

Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR)

Human Resources

Retention periods

Records Active retention (in office) Semi-active (records centre) Total retention Final disposition
Human Resources: CY retiree or spouse dies + 1 year 5 years CY retiree or spouse dies + 6 year Destruction

CY = Current calendar year; CFY = Current fiscal year; CS = Current semester; S/O = Superseded or obsolete; OPR = Office of Primary Responsibility; Non-OPR = All other departments.

Description, purpose and use of records

Files created by Human Resources to document the pension and benefits entitlements and decisions of retired University members and their spouses.

Records include correspondence and memoranda, benefit plan election forms, change in pension and benefit entitlement notices. Files are arranged by pension plan and within these groupings alphabetically by surname of the individual.

Personal Information Bank (PIB)

This series is a Personal Information Bank; click here for PIB description.


These records are created, used, retained and managed in accordance with the following authorities:

Retention and filing guidelines

In the event that the retiree dies and pension and / or benefits are maintained by the spouse, records relating to the spouse are added to the same file. The file will then close when the spouse dies and be retained for an additional 6 years.


RRSDA is in force.

Approved by the University Archivist: 18 Feb 1999

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