
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Records Retention Schedule and Disposal Authority (RRSDA)
Personnel Files: Non-Academic Employees (Non-Continuing)

Description | PIB | Authorities | Retentional rational | Rentention and filing guidelines | Status

RRSDA number


Record series

Personnel Files: Non-Academic Employees (Non-Continuing)

Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR)

Human Resources

Retention periods

Records Active retention (in office) Semi-active (records centre) Total retention Final disposition
Human Resources: Under review Under review Under review Under review
All other university departments: Under review Under review Under review Under review

CY = Current calendar year; CFY = Current fiscal year; CS = Current semester; S/O = Superseded or obsolete; OPR = Office of Primary Responsibility; Non-OPR = All other departments.

Description, purpose and use of records

Records made or received and used by Human Resources and departments to document a continuing, non-academic employee’s employment history, from appointment to retirement or termination. A non-continuing employee is one whose contract has a fixed end date.

Records include correspondence, memoranda and email; application forms, resumes and CVs, appointment forms and letters; staff requisition and status change forms, leave notices, vacation calculations, letters of resignation, and termination notices.

A personnel file for each non-academic employee is maintained by both Human Resources and the employee's department. Documents relating to pension and benefits are maintained on file, but kept separate from other records.

Personal Information Bank (PIB)

This series is a Personal Information Bank; click here for PIB description.


These records are created, used, retained and managed in accordance with the following authorities:

Retention and filing guidelines

CY = Year of termination of employment at the University


Approved by the University Archivist: 14 Jan 1999

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