
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Records Retention Schedule and Disposal Authority (RRSDA)
Residence Clerk General Files

Description | PIB | Authorities | Retentional rational | Rentention and filing guidelines | Status

RRSDA number


Record series

Residence Clerk General Files

Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR)

Residence and Housing Office

Retention periods

Records Active retention (in office) Semi-active (records centre) Total retention Final disposition
Cashier's Office CY + 1 year 5 years CY + 6 years Destruction

CY = Current calendar year; CFY = Current fiscal year; CS = Current semester; S/O = Superseded or obsolete; OPR = Office of Primary Responsibility; Non-OPR = All other departments.

Description, purpose and use of records

Receipts, correspondence, requisition forms

The records consist of the working files of the Residence Clerk. In addition to duties regarding the student residence program, the Residence Clerk also administers certain fees regarding admission to and graduation from the University.

The files are arranged numerically by semester. The numbers are not consistent semester to semester, but include the following file titles:

Correspondence - General Resident Deferrals (Payroll Deductions) Subletting Permits Petty Cash Requisitions Semester Leases / Deposits Graduation Fees Certificate / Diploma Fees Documentation Fees Application Fees Terminations Sponsor Billings

Retention and filing guidelines

CY=Current year


RRSDA is in force.

Approved by the University Archivist: 29 Oct 1998

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