
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Personal Information Bank (PIB)
Patient/Client Files

Title of PIB

Patient/Client Files

Location of PIB (Department)

Health and Counselling Services

Types of personal information in the PIB

Name, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, sex, pronoun, gender identity, ethnicity, language spoken, disability, marital status, family status, student number, client status, personal health number, third-party insurance number, emergency contacts, employer contacts, medical history (including partial immunization history), psychological history, educational history, financial history, pharmanet and virtual visit consent forms, alerts and notes, third party opinions about the individual, individual's own views or opinions, and information about referrals.

Purpose for which personal information obtained / compiled and used / disclosed

Personal information may be collected and used when that information relates directly to and is necessary for providing continuity of health care and personal counselling services; for teaching and research; or for related administrative matters [FOI/POP Act, s. 26(c)]. Personal information may be disclosed for the purpose of providing health care services through a referral, consultation, or report to another health care professional who is involved with the patient/client's care; if the patient/client has consented, in writing, to its disclosure; to comply with a court order, subpoena, or requirement of an Act or regulation of British Columbia or Canada; if compelling circumstances exist that affect anyone's health and safety; and so that the next of kin or a friend of an injured, ill or deceased individual may be contacted.

Individuals using personal information or to whom it is disclosed

HCS physicians and counsellors; other HCS employees, university employees, and/or service providers, if the information is necessary for the performance of the duties of, or for the protection of the health or safety of, the individual patients/clients; the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia accordance with the Medical Practitioners Act; and to communicate with the next of kin, or representative of the patient, or appropriate family members.

Individuals included in PIB

Members of the University community, including students, staff and faculty. Health services are normally restricted to students, but some specific services (i.e., allergy injections) are also provided to staff and faculty; and, on an emergency basis, to staff, faculty, summer camp participants and visitors if needed. Counselling services are provided to students only.

Legal authority for the collection and use of personal information

University Act (RSBC 1996, c. 468).
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165).
Limitation Act (SBC 2012, c. 13).
Medical Records, Data Stewardship and Confidentiality of Personal Information, Practice Standard, College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (October 14, 2020).
College of Physicians and Surgeons Bylaws (made under the Health Professions Act RSBC 1996, c.183 revised January 2021).

Applicable Records Retention Schedule and Dispoal Authority (RRSDA)

RRSDA 2004-001

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