
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Personal Information Bank (PIB)
Entrance Scholarship Application Files

Title of PIB

Entrance Scholarship Application Files

Location of PIB (Department)

Student Services

Types of personal information in the PIB

Name, address, age, sex, race, religion, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, disability, student number, social insurance number, health care number, other personal identification number, medical and psychological history, educational history, financial history, criminal history, employment history, third party opinions about the individual, individual’s own views or opinions.

Purpose for which personal information obtained / compiled and used / disclosed

Information is collected for the purpose of assessing and awarding entrance scholarships. Personal information is disclosed only for the purpose for which it was obtained or compiled or for a use consistent with that purpose, including adjudicating and administering awards. Students sign consent forms to permit the release of the following personal information: name, name of award, and amount of award.

Individuals using personal information or to whom it is disclosed

Departmental staff, faculty adjudication committees, Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee (SUAAC) members, internal auditors. Students sign consent forms to release limited information through press releases and to specific high school administrators.

Individuals included in PIB

Student applicants for university entrance scholarships.

Legal authority for the collection and use of personal information

University Act (RSBC 1996, c. 468).
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165).

Applicable Records Retention Schedule and Dispoal Authority (RRSDA)

RRSDA 2001-011

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