
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Personal Information Bank (PIB)
Tuition Fee Certificates (T2202a forms)

Title of PIB

Tuition Fee Certificates (T2202a forms)

Location of PIB (Department)

Student Services

Types of personal information in the PIB

Name, social insurance number, student number, address, educational information, and financial information.

Purpose for which personal information obtained / compiled and used / disclosed

Student Services collects and uses the personal information contained in the tuition fee certificates to provide all students enrolled in the University with evidence of their respective tuition payments. The University is required by law to provide the certificates to students, who use the certificates to file their annual income tax.

Individuals using personal information or to whom it is disclosed

Employees of Student Services generate and use the tuition fee certificates. Student Services provides each student paying tuition at the University with a tuition fee certificate during each academic year. If a student provides a written request, Student Services will disclose a copy of the student's tuition fee certificate to the student's parent.

Individuals included in PIB

All students paying tuition at the University

Legal authority for the collection and use of personal information

University Act (RSBC 1996, c. 468).
Income Tax Act (RSC 1985, c. I-3.3).

Applicable Records Retention Schedule and Dispoal Authority (RRSDA)

RRSDA 1997-019

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