
2018-2019 Archaeology Seminar

Spring 2019 Seminar Series

Date Speaker Title
January 3, 3:30pm Dave Burley,  Department of Archaeology Triangular Voyageurs on a Very Long Journey - A Story Inscribed in the Rock Art of Tonga
January 10, 3:30pm
Bryn Letham, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Archaeology
Sea Level, Settlement, and LAndscape Histories of Laxgalts'ap (Old Town), British Columbia
January 17, 3:30pm Sarah Walshaw, Department of History
Where Rice is King? Archaeobotany of the Merina Kingdom (Madagascar) and the Kilwa Archipelago (Tanzania)
January 24, 3:30pm Ryan Espersen, Saba Archaeological Center
From Hell's Gate to the Promised Land: Perspectives on Poverty in Saba, Dutch Catibbean, 1780 to the Mid-Twentieth Century
January 31, 3:30pm G. Bik矇 Yaz覺c覺olu-Santamaria Immigration, Political Instability and The Human Experience at Kanesh (K羹ltepe, Turkey) in 2nd millennium BC
February 14, 3:30pm Camilla Speller, UBC Anthropology Paleoproteomics: Promises, potentials and pitfalls in the study of ancient proteins
February 21, 3:30pm Lesley Harrington, University of Alberta, Anthropology Bioarchaeological perspectives on child health in the South African Later Stone Age
February 28, 3:30pm Lindsay Der, UBC Okanagan Anthropology Beyond Bones: Animal Materializations and Human-Animal Relationships at atalh繹y羹k
March 7, 3:30pm Christina Cheung and Hua Grace Zhang, 間眅埶AV Archaeology Please pass the noodles - correlation between climate change and subsistence economy in ancient China revealed by stable isotopic and dental pathology data
March 21, 3:30pm Joost Schokkenbroek, Vancouver Maritime Museum Oceans of Opportunities. Non-written Sources and Maritime Research
March 28, 3:30pm Alison Wylie, UBC Philosophy Histories of Archaeology In and For Practice

Fall 2018 Seminar Series

Organized by Dennis Sandgathe.

Date Speaker Title
September 13, 2018 間眅埶AV Archaeoogy students and faculty "What did you do last summer?
September 20, 2018 Sabrina Higgins 間眅埶AV Hellenic Studies and Archaeology Picturing the Virgin: The Development of Marian Iconography in Late Antique Egypt
September 27, 2018 Robyn Woodward  間眅埶AV Archaeology Ghost Ships of the Klondike Gold Rush
October 11, 2018 Ben Raffield - Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University Captivity and unfreedom in the Viking world: comparative perspectives on an invisible institution
October 18, 2018 NO SEMINAR  
October 25, 2018 Olga Vasileva, 間眅埶AV Psychology Handedness and the development of language
November 1, 2018 Christina Giovas, 間眅埶AV Archaeology English Scoundrels and Imposter Pigs: 87Sr/86Sr and 14C Evidence for a Historical Reappraisal of the 1657 Ligon Map of Barbados
November 8, 2018 Bill Walker, Department of Anthropology, New Mexico State University Arrowheads, Sorcerers, and Pueblo Village Abandonment
November 15, 2018 Natalie Dinsdale, Department of Biological Sciences, 間眅埶AV Practice for Parturition: A Novel Hypothesis for the Adaptive Significance of Female Sexuality
November 22, 2018 Megan Wong, 間眅埶AV Archaeology Investigating Mobility in爹oman and Byzantine Ephesos Using Isotopic Analysis
AND Joe Hepburn, 間眅埶AV Archaeology A Multi Isotope Isoscape of British Columbia for Forensic Identification
November 29, 2018 Carolyn Sparrey, 間眅埶AVs School of Engineering Science Analyzing accidents and injuries to determine how and why they occurred