

The 1983 excavations were directed by Knut Fladmark. Funding for all excavations was provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

       Many thanks to all the people who worked at Charlie Lake Cave in 1983, 1990 and 1991, some of whom are recorded in these photographs.

Camp life at Charlie Lake: A few of the 1983 Field Crew (left to right) Knut Fladmark, Dick Gilbert, Diana Alexander
The 1990 Field Crew Back (left to right): Simon Driver, Andrew Driver Front (l to r): Greg Sullivan, John Breffitt, Martin Handly, Giles Ionone
The 1991 Field Crew Back (left to right): mostly hidden: the unknown archaeologist, Giles Ionone, Randy Preston, Martin Handly Middle (l to r): Owen Gilbert, Judy Gilbert, Cathy Driver, Greg Sullivan, Susan Montgomery, Knut Fladmark Front (l to r): Andrew Driver, Simon Driver
Well, we did manage to find time for some important stuff too! (left to right) Simon Driver, John Breffitt, A Fish, Andrew Driver And in the background (by special arrangement wth Mother Nature) Charlie Lake.


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*References are from the original paper presented in 1996